Note: This podcast is a part of the Healing Fundamentals series. The topics covered in this series move beyond the basics of tapping to understanding the healing process. By understanding these fundamentals you will be able to get more out of your tapping faster. Make sure you check out the whole series.
Last week a client asked me, “Why do you make me tap on that phrase all the time? Is it something you see in me that makes you think we need to tap on it?”
I reassured her that it had nothing to do with her in particular, but something I tapped on with all of my clients. And then, right on cue, two other clients this week asked me about the same tapping phrase!
The phrase is:
“I give myself permission to be easy and gentle with myself.”
This is the phrase my clients tend to resist the most AND I believe it is one of the most important topics for us to address with tapping.
This week’s podcast explores why it is so hard for us (me included) to tap on the idea of being gentle with ourselves and why it is important for us to do so.
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