I want to thank you for your continued support of TappingQandA.com. The website is a labor of love and it always warms my heart when I receive your emails and read your comments.
There are a lot of great things planned for 2013 including a new season of the Tapping Q & A podcast, the launch of 2 new websites, and few other surprises.
Before we move on to all that is new it good to look back on 2012. This year 113 new articles, podcast, tap-along audios, and videos were added to TappingQandA.com.
Here are some of my favorites. Please take a moment to read on of them. If I missed your favorite, let me know and I will add it to the best of list.
As always, let me know what I can do for you.
Top 9:
- What EFT Has Taught Me That I Wish I Knew When I Was 13 (Tapping For Self-Respect)
- Why Didn’t Surrogate EFT Stop The Cancer?
- Why I Hate Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
- Will Saying Negative Phrases While Doing EFT Manifest Bad Things In My Life?
- Is It OK For Christians To Use EFT?
- The Most Forgotten & Most Powerful EFT Point – Gamut Point w/ Karin Davidson
- EFT For Shoulders And Shoulds w/ Gwenn Bonnell
- A Thousand Paper Cuts Would Be Better Than Tapping On These Issues – Issues To Be Tapped On Someday
- What If I Don’t (Or Can’t) Say “I Completely Love And Accept Myself” While Tapping?
Honorable Mention
- Transforming Our Critical Voice Into Something Helpful With Tapping and EFT In 8 Easy Steps
- Knowing Good Enough Is Good Enough OR The Myth Of Excellence
- 5 Things You Must Know Before Doing EFT With Children and Teens
- How To Get The Most Out Of Self Directed Self Help And Self Directed EFT w/ Maggie Adkins
- Don’t Do These 10 (plus 1) Things If You Want To Fail At Teaching Tapping
- Why I Hate The Word Manifest – A Conversation About What We Create, What We Responsible For, and How To Make Choices