I was introduced to EFT about a year ago and I love it. I’m amazed at the way it quickly gets rid of unwanted emotions, but I’m wondering if this is always a good thing. I made some really poor choices in the past. I feel really bad about these ...
In a recent newsletter you talked about using a forgiveness poem as a tapping tool. I’m not sure what I am supposed to do. Can you give me more instruction?
photo by Pankaj
One of the reasons I love Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) ...
I remember reading a suggestion about “asking” a troubled body part what it’s trying to tell you. What exactly does that mean? And how does the answer get conveyed? Would it be a thought or words popping into your head? If so, would it be immediately ...
Today was a bad day. All the plans I had blew up in my face. It sent me into an emotional tailspin. I know EFT would have been useful, but I didn’t know where to begin. How can I use EFT when thing don’t go as planned?
photo by ...
I want to do EFT for a major issue in my life, but somehow I always find an excuse not to do EFT. I know it will help me. I do want to get over this, but it just doesn’t happen. What can I do?
photo by (Erik)
I have been teaching ...
I’m very effective at using EFT for physical pain and small frustrations, but when it comes to the big emotional issues, I just don’t know where to start. I tap on all of the issues and emotions I can think of, but it doesn’t feel like I’m making ...
I am in talk therapy and I do my EFT. I think I have been not succeeding/just barely making it, because I am worried my mother is going to take credit for my success (just like she did when I was younger). I’m stuck, and I’m not sure that I want to ...
Why do you use the phrase “I give myself permission” so much in your EFT phrases?
photo by Matthew Fang
I use this phrase because we don’t often feel like we deserve the things we actually do deserve. In that case, something in us is ...