On Saturday I was reading an sales email from someone who works in the professional development space about a program they are selling. My first thought was “Is that really true?”
I wasn’t questioning the modality they use and I wasn’t questioning the quality of their work.
But I wasn’t entirely convinced by the story that was being told about how and why I was receiving the email. It felt more like a marketing tactic than an honest explanation of what was really going on.
The reason I bring this up is because I don’t ever want you to think that I am doing that as a marketer. I know that I need to be good at marketing both in order to have a successful business and to make a difference in the world with the work I do.
I never want to be a cynical marketer.
Instead, my aim is to communicate clearly about what I am offering and why I think it will be helpful to you. If what I am offering is a good fit for you then I hope you will say yes. In the best of all worlds you feel like you are receiving value and I feel like my work is being valued and I’m making a difference.
All of this is a long way around explaining the bullet list below. In seeking to demonstrate the value of the Mastering the Art of Delivery training, I knew at some point it would be useful to send at least a partial list of what you would learn in the class.
As I read over it now it feels a little hype-y. But with that being said, here are just 20 of the lessons, tools, and techniques you will learn in the Mastering the Art of Delivery training:
- What I tap on before I tap on the issue that improves my results
- Why my first round of tapping is without words
- The reason the subconscious mind overreacts emotionally and what we can do about it
- Why clients forget about all the progress they have made and how that gets in the way of more healing
- The main reason we subconsciously prevent ourselves from healing (and the tapping phrase that overcomes it)
- Why I stopped trying to achieve total relief with tapping and how that improved my results
- Why I start almost every round of tapping with the phrase “I give myself permission…” and why that makes each round of tapping emotionally easier
- The one key issue that I tap for every single morning
- What I learned from tapping on fungus, viruses, and bacteria that I now use when tapping for emotions and past memories
- How I tailor tapping phrases for each specific client so our work is more personal and effective
- The three-question sequence that makes parts work easy to do – especially when we are tapping for our own issues
- How using the “rule of three” helps clients to be more honest with themselves about their issues, which leads to faster results
- The visualization I learned from a client that transformed my approach to parts work (I use this at least once a week for myself)
- The best way to measure the success of tapping or any healing modality (and it’s not the SUD scale)
- My favorite question to ask clients to help them find answers to questions they can’t consciously see in the moment (I sometimes even use this question on myself and even though I know it is a trick, it still works on me)
- The first thing I do when a client shares something completely unexpected with me to ensure I am never lost in a session and my client is emotionally safe at all times
- Why one of my clients decided to bring Bruce Willis from Die Hard into a guided imagery while tapping, why it was the perfect resource for healing, and how you too can get your clients to come up with the perfect healing resources
- My seven-step parts work formula you can use effectively right away, even if you’ve never studied parts work
- How to tap successfully with a client when they are unwilling to share details of the issue they are struggling with
- The step I recently added to doing inner child work which makes the process much gentler and more effective
I believe every statement above is true. I know you will learn all of this and so much more from the Mastering the Art of Delivery training.
Over the weekend I received an email asking what was the difference between this training and the Advanced Tapping Techniques audio I sell on my site. In addition to going through the specifics of the topics, I shared this:
The other difference is nine years of experience. Even though some of the topics are the same, I am a more skillful practitioner because of the hundreds of hours that I have tapped on my own and the thousands of hours that I have tapped with clients. The art of delivery is about the ability to use these tools and techniques in the moment. I am so much better at that today than I was nine years ago, and a better practitioner and teacher as a result.
I would really love it if you joined us for one of the weekends I am teaching Mastering the Art of Delivery!
You can find all the details about the class, how to participate from anywhere in the world, and how to sign up by going to http://TappingArtOfDelivery.com.
REMEMBER: You will receive 50% off the registration if you use the coupon code “art”.
Get more out of your tapping sessions: http://TappingArtOfDelivery.com
If you have any questions about the training, let me know,