Learning EFT can be very exciting at first. Tapping is so easy.
Anyone can do it!
It can be done anywhere!
It seems to work for everything.
You download podcasts, tapping scripts, and ebooks. You start working on a personal peace procedure, listing every bad memory you have in your life. You decide you are going to tap for your health, your relationships, your creativity, and getting a better job.
And then…
It just becomes too much!
You feel overwhelmed with how much work you need to do, how far you want to go, and feeling like there is not enough time to deal with everything.
It’s going to ok!
Take a big deep breath and relax…you don’t have to do it all right now!
Healing is process, not a moment. You are not going to do it all at once. It is ok to let the process unfold over time. You want a long-term, lasting fix. You don’t want something that is quick, but does not last.
Here are 6 things to help prevent you from becoming overwhelmed with tapping and the amount of change you want to bring about in your life.
1) Limit Your Daily Tapping Sessions To 7 Minutes
On an average day I spend about 7 minutes tapping. I start my day by making sure I am relaxed and calm about what is ahead. I know that on the surface it doesn’t seem like I am doing very much towards my healing process, but these 7 minutes make a huge difference.
When you start the day from a relaxed, balanced place it puts you into a state of mind where you can respond easily to the unexpected. Being able to respond more easily to the unexpected means less stress in your day. Less stress means less overreaction, and less overreaction means less stress.
When you release all the stress from your day before you go to bed you sleep better. When you sleep better you start the next day in a better place. When you start your day in a better place…well you know how it goes…see paragraph above.
I am not saying that you shouldn’t go after major issues. I am not saying that you shouldn’t tap for longer than 7 minutes. You really only need to do longer tapping sessions once or twice a week. If you combine doing daily stress management with a few longer sessions each week you will make lots of progress.
Looking for help on how to tap at the beginning and end of the day? Check out these tap along audios.
2) Let Someone Else Do The Heavy Lifting
Sometimes it is hard to tap because we don’t know where to start. There is so much that we can’t find an entry point. When this happens give your mind a break and let someone else come up with the tapping phrases. Did you know that there are over 35 free tap along audios on this site? Well, now you do. Pick one, hit play, and let the audio do the hard work.
3) It’s All About Love And Acceptance
Recently I did an interesting interview with Steve Wells on Self Acceptance. Steve proposed that the root of all issues is that we don’t fully love and accept ourselves.
On some level, when we hear this, it might make us shudder. There is nothing about tapping that my clients complain about more than having to say “I love and accept myself …” as part of the set up phrase.
I don’t know if I fully agree with Steve, but I think one of the reasons that we struggle with saying the set up phrase is because we find loving and accepting ourselves difficult.
If you don’t enjoy saying the set up phrase or if you are looking for an easy, concise set of phrases to tap to visit the set up phrase generator. Each time you reload the page it will give you 10 unique tapping set up phrases. Tap through the list. After you have finished, just refresh the page and it will generate 10 more. Do that two or three more times. It takes less than 5 minutes, you will feel great and will not become overwhelmed with having to dive into lots of issues.
4) Give Yourself Permission To Tap For Just One Issue At A Time
Many of the issues we have are intertwined. When we work on one part, we are working on the whole. It’s ok to give yourself permission to let the healing process unfold over time. It is very easy to feel like we are not doing enough each time we sit down to tap. If that is what you are dealing with then start your tapping session with this:
I give myself permission to know that it is a healing process…not a healing moment…I give myself permission to know that I don’t have to do it all today…I don’t have to clear it all in one session…I know that if I do a little work today it is going to get me closer to the health and freedom that I want…Each time I tap I am going to clear a little more…each session is going to build on the last…I don’t have to do it all right now…
5) Basket/Container Tapping
One of my favorite tools is to tap for all your issues at once. It is a very simple technique that is often called the basket or container technique. Here is audio instruction for the Container Process.
6) Tap Without Tapping
Did you know you can tap without having to tap? It is possible to tap by just imagining you are tapping. It is also possible to find relief without having to tune into a specific issue. Once you learn it from this short audio you will be able to do it anytime, anywhere and it will only look like you are sitting quietly with your eyes closed. It’s so funky it doesn’t have a name, but you will love it! Listen to it now.
Thanks Gene, that is such a helpful piece you have on your website. You are so right in saying to limit to 7 mins and work from this base. That feels so right for me. I live here in Ireland, did live in San Francisco one time.
Kind Regards
Conor Flynn