Our physical bodies are constantly communicating information to our conscious minds to help us navigate our daily lives. Some of this information is obvious and direct. For example, feeling pressure on your shoulder lets you know someone is touching us trying to get our attention, or we feel pain when touching something hot.
It also communicates is less obvious ways. We feel tension when we are stressed or heavy-hearted when we are sad.
Most of us are not as in tune with our physical bodies as we could be. Because of this we could be missing valuable information that our body is trying to communicate. In this conversation with Julie Schiffman we talk about how to be more in tune with our physical body and how we can use this information to accelerate the healing process.
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Guest: Julie Schiffman
Contact: web @ JulieSchiffman.com; facebook @ Julie Schiffman EFT; instagram @Julieschiffman_tapintolife; youtube channel @ Julie Schiffman; YouTube demonstrations @ over 100 videos
About: Julie Schiffman, MSW, is an internationally recognized Expert EFT Practitioner. For more than 20 years, she has counseled thousands of clients, helping them break through physical and emotional barriers. Her life-changing YouTube videos have been viewed more than 4 million times.
She is best known for her expertise in helping others heal from pain, disease, weight issues, phobias and other emotional and physical stressors.
She was formerly the chief EFT practitioner for Dr. Mercola’s Center for Natural Health for over 15 years. Julie has been a featured presenter at the “Tapping World Summit” every year since its inception in 2008.
Loved this interview! So, timely for me. I have been tapping for about a year. It helped me really listening to my body and feelings. Thank you!