In a recent newsletter you talked about using a forgiveness poem as a tapping tool. I’m not sure what I am supposed to do. Can you give me more instruction?
![]() photo by Pankaj |
One of the reasons I love Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) so much is because it’s so flexible. It can be adjusted only to deal with many different issues and many different personalities.
I know I write this all the time, but one fifth of the questions I receive require this sort of answer: The words are not magic. There are no right or wrong words to use while tapping.
For EFT to work we need to focus in on the issue we are currently working on. Saying phrases out loud can be a very helpful tool in getting us to focus, but it isn’t the only way. What matters is that we are tuned into the issue at hand and are tapping at the same time.
The “Movie Technique” is a perfect example of this principle. One application of this technique is to let the movie of the past event play in our minds and tap along with it. As the movie plays, emotions about the memory come up. By tapping we are cleaning these emotions up.
Tapping along to a poem stirs up emotions in a similar way. I want to be very up front. This is not for everyone, but it is very effective for some.
Sometimes when we read a poem, emotions are stirred; that is the sign of good poetry. If these emotions reduce health and well-being, then it presents an opportunity for us to do some clean-up work.
I was e-mailed the following poem by one of my readers, Etta, who said that tapping along with this poem had helped her.
You might read this poem and feel nothing, which is okay. If that is the case, then this isn’t a useful tool for you. But if you read this poem and can use it to tune into your day and some of the choices you made that you regret, then it’s an excellent tool for you.
The great thing about EFT is it costs so little to try. Take 30 seconds and read this poem out loud, not like a performance, but as words you are speaking to your deeper self. Pay attention to what comes up. While you read, tap along. With each phrase just move to another tapping point.
I would love to hear your experience while trying this.
Little Prayer For HRA’s (Huna Research Associates)
by Max Freedom LongIf I have hurt someone today
With thought or word or deed,
Or failed another in his need
I now repent
If I can take those steps again,
Tomorrow will I make amends
And heal with love those hurts.
I do this pledge
And if some hurt has struck me deep
And no amends are made,
I ask the Light to balance all.
I count the debt as paid.
Parental Sprits, whom I love,
And who I know love me,
Reach through the door I open wide.
Make clear my path to thee.
thank you for this lovely poem… it really is powerful when read aloud.
I use this with the Law of Least Effort.. and its awesome.. I often use it in group therapy to start a session or end asession as well as when I am facilitating an Anger Management Group…
Thank you Gene for yet another powerful article. God bless!!