How we end a tapping session is sometimes more important than how we begin it. At the beginning it is most important that we simply start tapping. With each successive round of tapping, we gain clarity about the issue at hand and where we should focus our efforts.
For me, there are two goals for the last little bit of tapping at the end of a session.
First, I often feel a little groggy and fuzzy brained when I’ve been tapping for a while, which makes sense as tapping often releases a lot of stored emotion and memories. It is important that I’m able to return to my day feeling calm and grounded.
Second, even though we have stopped tapping doesn’t mean the process of healing and transformation has ended. The new thoughts and beliefs we’ve connected with are still integrating even after the tapping stops. At the end of the session, I find it useful to remind myself that the process of healing and transformation will continue after a session. This recognition encourages me to come back and tap again and again.
By taking a few minutes to tap in this way, we can get the most out of our tapping sessions and also set ourselves up for success after the session.
You can find the full tapping script as a pdf of this audio over at Tapping Q and A Podcast Scripts and Transcripts.
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That is so calming and simply beautiful! Thank you!
Healing. Healing. Healing. Your closing process struck a chord in me. And I began to think….. What makes this body seem to be alive? There is a living force that is embodied in the fabric of this dimension. 80% water. Various minerals. Nothing that we can’t find in our own back yard. But it looks alive. And when this living force or most subtle spiritual substance leaves this body, then we can see it for what it is….dead matter. So the body is always dead matter. But it displays the symptoms of life because of the presence of the living force within.
And that’s what we are. Living force. Spiritual substance. And this body is only our vehicle. And just as I am not my car, similarly I am not this body, nor this mind, nor this very temporary identiy, this false sense of self.
The classical Vedic literatures state that the living force is sat-chit-ananda. Eternal, full of wisdom, and always blissful. But because the embodied living force identifies with the body and mind as the self, therefore we experience the conditions of birth, old age, disease and death. In fact we are never born, and we never die. But as much as we do not experience ourselves as pure spirit, to that degree our consciousness is subject to this false temporal identity. And because of this identification there is so much suffering.
As long as this false ego is there, our direct personal relationship with God is obscured. This life is like a dream, in the sense that it has a beginning and an end. In the dream one fears he is being eaten by a tiger. And he cries out in his sleep. And his friend shakes him and says, “Wake up, wake up! There is no tiger.” In the same way, as we identify with this gross dream of everyday life, we suffer in so many ways. But when we wake up and understand that I am not this body. I am not this mind. I am spirit. I am living force. When the living force awakens, he still experiences his embodied existence, but his experience of himself as pure spirit is so ecstatic, that the pains and pleasures of this realm seem insignificant. He has direct perception that he is in this world, but that he is not of this world.
So, under this spell of identification with this gross dream, we are hypnotized. This embodied existence is hypnotherapy for the soul. In this dream each of us has some desire to be the most powerful, the most intelligent, the most beautiful, the most famous, the most wealthy, and the most equipoised, as we can possibly be. But our ways and means are self-centered to various degrees, and this self-centeredness creates incredible strife, individually and globally. And we suffer.
There is a kind of mathematical formula at work. The more we are self-serving, the deeper our identification with this suffering becomes. And the more we are God-serving, the more our realization of ourselves as ecstatic spiritual beings grows.
Self-serving and God-serving. Self-centered existence is the “core issue”, behind our suffering. But the spirit has free will. Under the hypnotic spell of this temporal dream of gross existence, it is this illusory suffering that gradually induces us to enquire as to why we are not happy. And this is the beginning of the healing of the disoriented soul. “Not my will, but Thy will.” To seek the pleasure of our God, by every thought,word, and deed, is the healthy, ecstatic orientation of the free spirit. When the hypnotherapy has done it’s work, the imposition of illusory suffering is no longer required. And one becomes awake by Grace.
This brings us to a crossroads. In EFT we are generally aspiring to become “healthy” both physically and mentally. Our coming to EFT is part of our search to mitigate our suffering condition. As we become happier through this process, more wealthy, more powerful, more wise, more famous, more beautiful, more equipoised – there is the danger of becoming intoxicated. That intoxication can cause one to be proud, puffed up by borrowed plums. A relapse of self-centeredness, which was the original cause for being placed under the influence of cosmic hypnotherapy.
The other path at this fork in the road, is to use all our gifts in service to God and all of His children. When we give all of our newly acquired enthusiasm and energy in a spirit of service, most naturally all of the keys to the Kingdom will be given to us by Grace. The 23rd Psalm tell the whole story. As we enlist in the service of the Lord, we shall not want. We will be led to greener pastures. We will find the peace of still waters. We will know ourselves as being restored. We will be led from within along the path of righteousness. We will be anointed, sanctified. Our proverbial cup will “runneth over.” Our happiness will have no bounds. And although we will still be walking in this valley where the shadow of death is ever-present, we will be free from fear……….
So yes, EFT is part of the process of healing. And our sufferings will be mitigated. And our opulences will increase. And at that point the temptation to lord it over in different respects may arise. So we have to prime the pump every day. Somehow or other we must remember, that if we choose the path of “not my will but Thy will be done”, the result will be that “surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord, in the Kingdom of the Lord, now and forever.”
Let’s get healed!
Alignment! A common word in our vocabulary. When the front end of our vehicle is out of alignment, the engine has to work harder, the energy resource is used up faster, the tires shudder, the wheels veer to one side or the other, and we have to struggle with the steering in order to stay on track. The quality of our journey is a troublesome dissapointment.
Our walk with God, the universe, or higher power works in the same way. We have to be in alignment. How does one test for that alignment? Simple. There is always feedback. If we destroy the forests, there is less oxygen. If industry polluts the air, we become ill. If industrial waste enters the waterways it we can’t drink it. If the animals and plants are genetically modified, the dangers are great. When things are not going well, we are out of alignment.
So what does alignment really indicate? Let’s consider, for a moment, an employee in a business concern. If he tries to understand the goals and means of the proprietor and works consciously toward those same goals, he is in alignment with the proprietor. And according to his sincerity, his compensation, his bonuses, his freedom in his work, and his happines in his work – all of these increase accordingly.
On the other hand, if an employee does not give his heart to the job, sees how little he can give and how much he can take, misuses the facilities at his disposal – he will loose the benefits and perks that were available to him.
Things don’t happen by chance. There is inconceivable intelligence at work in the creation. And we have to align ourselves with that intelligence. It can be a bitter pill to swallow, but we have to examine our lives in the same way. When we have a pain in the neck, our back, or a pain in the butt, we go to the chiropractor for an alignment. And when our pains are reduced we can perform so much better.
The same is true when we come to EFT. Something is amiss and we are looking for an alignment. And when our core issues are dissolved, we experience that we are more in harmony with universal intelligence. And the quality of our lives becomes so much enhanced.
The trick is to stay in alignment. And this means we have to understand the mission statement of the proprietor of universal affairs. The freedom and facility that comes along with a driver’s license is retained as long as we follow the rules of the road. Our journey through life is our individual path in the universe. Total independence is a misconception. Those greeat historic examples of freedom and empowerment were powerful in their posture of “Not my will but Thy will be done.” And they always carried this key understanding in their hearts. Every thought, every word, every deed – all for pleasure of higher power. That is alignment! So, the more we advance in our healing through EFT, let us strive more and more for that alignment, the real path to peace and prosperity.
Postscript: I am very fallen and weak. I only write in order to remember. In allowing me to share these thoughts, you help me stay on track. Sncerely, Ishan das
What a really lovely and inspiring idea Gene. Thank you very much. Anita
A very great hidden truth revealed. Thanks
Hi Gene,
thank you for this – I just listened for the first time – it felt good and appropriate.
My question is to why the tapping point sequence has been scrambled for this one? Very curious :)
With deepest appreciation for all that you do,