[Note from Gene: One of the biggest struggles I face in my own healing is the ablity to be easy with myself. I want better for myself. I expect more of myself. I know what I am capable of better. I WANT IT NOW! This makes it very hard to be easy with myself. It is something I tap on almost daily. In this article Janet Hilts a wonderful plan on how we can be easy with ourselves.]
Being gentle with yourself feels good. But do you know that it’s also a very practical tool? Self kindness is a great strategy for moving ahead – either for personal development or for business. It works for whatever your focus is and here’s why:
Self kindness saves time and energy, leaving you more of both for what you really want to do.
If you’re NOT gentle with yourself, you lose momentum every time something goes wrong or doesn’t go the way you want it to.
- Criticizing yourself takes head time: all your thoughts about what you did wrong, what you should have done instead, etc.
- Criticizing yourself takes heart time: all the crummy feelings about yourself.
- And your focus turns totally inward.
To pull out of this state takes even more time and energy — recovery time to get your head turned around, to open your heart back up and feel better emotionally, and to turn outward again.
Self kindness, on the other hand, leaves you buoyant – with plenty of energy to focus outward and keep moving. It subtracts nothing from you to be kind to yourself. It doesn’t use up energy; it increases it. And the vibe it creates is contagious.
My point is that it’s highly practical as a strategy. So I hope you’ll consider using self-kindess — deliberately.
These are the steps to take to start using self kindness on a regular basis for yourself:
1. First, investigate your resistance to making self kindness a deliberate strategy. Get quiet and listen to the little voice inside your head that tells you why it’s not a good idea to do that, and stirs up fears about it. If you’re not using self kindness, it’s because a part of you has some good reasons for that. So listen for those reasons, those fears and beliefs. And then write them down.
What beliefs come up for you? They could be things like:
- I’ll lose my motivation if I’m too nice to myself. I won’t feel like doing anything.
- I don’t know how to do it. The people I know don’t do this.
- It’s going to be too hard. Maybe it’s impossible.
- I don’t know what I’m doing. This sounds crazy to me.
- I don’t know if this can help me. What’s the point?
- Etc. (whatever comes to mind)
Write those down.
2. Then take the whole list and cluster them together as a package. Now measure the emotional impact of that package on a scale of 1 to 10. How strong is that resistance of all those fears and beliefs together? And write the number down.
3. Then start tapping. Do one round of “This resistance to self kindness.”
Then do a few rounds of tapping, giving voice to the resistance. You can just read off your list as you tap.
Continue tapping until you get your resistance down to a zero.
4. The next thing that you can do is to create some positive statements and tap those in as affirmations. For example:
- I easily go to self kindness first thing.
- I love how it makes me feel.
- My self kindness is contagious to the people around me.
- I can feel my heart opening as I relax into self kindness.
- Etc. (whatever comes to YOUR mind)
Have fun creating the list. Then just tap those affirmations in as a practice, first thing in the morning – no need for a setup. Simply move around the points as you tap on the positive statements.
Then enjoy the rewards of practicing self kindness as a deliberate strategy – and the ripple effect. Everyone you come in contact with will reap the benefits.
With coaching and EFT, Janet Hilts helps creatives and professionals dissolve personal blocks to success so they can move forward to do what they really want to do. Find Janet on-line @ web; facebook; twitter; radio |
hans says
Very good idea because, indeed, self criticism has too often been seen as positive whereas it more likely is more destructive then constructive. There is one funny thing here and that is that being not critical in a negative way towards oneself is in fact being critical but now on the negative attitude/aspects related to this criticism. So a certain critical attitude with respect to ones deeds/thoughts remains intact. Funny