How do I use the tapping phrases you suggest in your articles?
Here is the exact question I received recently from one of my readers:
Q: At the end of your first article you give a tapping suggestion:
“Tapping for this might look like: I am not a complainer…and I don’t want to be seen as a complainer…I know that there are many blessings in my life…I am thankful for these blessings…but I know that I can have more and I deserve more…in order to move down this path to get closer to what I want I need to name what I don’t want…for this short period of time I give myself permission to name the things I don’t like about my life…I know I am not going to harp on these things…but this is just a step in getting closer to the life I want…I am thankful I have the chance to consider these changes.”
This is a lot of talking, just how do you tap saying all of this? Do you tap it all using the Side of Hand? Or do you tap on all 9 points while saying all of this?
A: My personal style of tapping is very free form. I have found it just as helpful and sometime more helpful to tap out of sequence. I basically let my tapping hand go where it needs to tap next. Each of the phrases listed here would be for a tapping point. So each time you come to a “…” you move on to a new point. If you would like to follow the basic recipe and tap in that order, that is great. If you want to tap in some other order that is great as well.
Also, these are just suggested phrases. You might have more appropriate phases for your worldview. Trust yourself. Be easy with yourself.
When tapping free form does that kind of confuse the ZZZt flow?
What is important is where we are focusing. So as long as I am focusing on the issue at hand, which tapping point I choose is less important. So if moving from point to point in a free form way does not interfere with your ability to focus then you will be successful.
As with all of Gene’s work, incredibly informative and straight to the point ( s!! ) Love It! Thanks Gene, Kara
It is always good to get confirmation on the “how to” and this article explains that….
Thank you for these suggestions
I have had symptoms of a cold/flu and these were really helpful in the last 2 days in raising my energy and relieveing the discomfort. I like the kleenex idea and tried that too.
every day is better!
Regardng Bev’s comment. Bev, where did you read the ‘kleenex idea’? I’m still in the process of reading – there is so much great information here. Kath