I am very passionate about EFT and have seen results for myself and my clients, but for some reason I still struggle with my confidence in feeling I am really good at what I’m doing. I have gotten extensive training for EFT, so it’s not a matter of being a beginner. Any tips?
[This guest article is by AnaMaria Herrera, also known as “Agent EFT.” AnaMaria specializes in helping business owners and professionals reach their goals with ease using what she calls “Your Secret Weapon”: EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques. To learn how you can reach your personal and professional goals with greater ease, check out: YourSecretWeaponForSuccess.com]
This is a common dilemma! Did you know the challenge of believing you’re an expert crops up in seasoned entrepreneurs as well as in new business owners? It can be experienced as ‘not feeling I am good enough (an expert) yet.’ The result? Not ‘playing a bigger game’: leading tele-seminars, creating an information product or approaching a joint venture partner, raising your rates and setting the prices you deserve.
What to do? Bring out your Secret Weapon (EFT) and remove the limiting beliefs, of course!
Here are some suggestions.
Set up statement:
Even though I don’t feel like an expert, I deeply and completely accept myself anyway….Even though I feel I need much more training, clients, etc. before claiming I am an expert, I am choosing to remain calm and confident…Even though I feel intimidated by others in my field who are more successful than I am (or who have been doing this much longer, are better looking, can speak better, etc.) I accept my feelings and my fears…Even though I can’t seem to stop comparing myself to others, I completely accept myself and this habit. [How to use these tapping phrases]
Of course if common sense is warranting more training in doing your expertise, EFT does not replace that need for further training in EFT. Instead it takes away the emotional charge and judgment that we ‘are not good enough yet.’ So if the matter is getting more training, by all means seek this out.
As always with EFT, modify the words to fit your feelings/beliefs. Remember our feelings come from our thoughts and beliefs. So once we shift any doubts or negative beliefs to positive, empowering ones we become completely aligned (and unstoppable) in our business!
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