Has anyone mentioned to you that they feel REALLY fatigued after an EFT session? I have had about three sessions with clients where some really amazing core issues moved. At the end of the session the clients felt quite tired after. Is this normal?
![]() photo by Brian Barnett |
It is important to remember when we using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) we are changing the energy system of the body, energy that is used to power all of the body’s systems and functions.
Whenever we do anything that expels a great deal of energy, especially something we don’t normally do, we need to rest so the body can rebuild the energy it just used up to perform the task. This is true for physical (after a workout when we haven’t worked out in a while) and emotional (after a long cry) circumstances.
A couple of things are at play when we do EFT for especially emotional core issues.
First, making changes at the core level for very profound issues use a great deal of energy. EFT is a simple process to and doesn’t take much time or effort, but we are still using a great deal of energy to make that change.
Second, deep core issues almost invariably involve dysfunction in the physical body or our emotional state because something is blocking the flow of energy. At the point of the block there is a build up of energy because the energy can’t move in the way it would like.
A good way to think of this is to imagine a clogged pipe. At the point of the blockage pressure builds up over time. When the blockage is originally removed there will be a great rush as the pressures is released all at once. When we clear an energy blockage with EFT the same thing happens. The build-up of energy at the point of the blockage is released, leaving the person feeling a deficiency of energy.
When an EFT session clears a partial blockage we feel energized and ready to take on the world. We can see the change in ourselves, we can see a brighter future, and we sense our energy flowing better in the body. But there are also going to be times when doing EFT work is going to leave us very tired. In my experience the feeling of being tired is going to happen most often after working on very deep core issues, but that is not always the case. When we do any sort of energy work it can leave us tired.
When I am working with clients, I check in with them every ten or fifteen minutes to see how they feel energetically. I have also found that certain clients get tired in different ways. Some never get tired, some tire slowly over time, and still others seem to go from high energy to no energy in a moment.
Whenever I have a client end a session very tired I recommend that they pay special attention to drink a lot of water for the next eight hours and that they shouldn’t do anything too strenuous until they feel more energized.
Thank you for clearly explaining what I experience with myself and with clients. You made it very easy to explain to others now.
I work with a practitioner and notice often that when I get home I need to take a nap especially when I’m, working on core emotional issues. Thanks for your explanation make more sense now…Patricia
I appreciate your explanation of the tiredness following EFT tapping. I have done a great deal of work on core issues over the past several months,and I have indeed felt this fatigue many times. I have also felt the full range of emotions, depending on what blocked emotions were involved — anxiety, depression, anger, etc. This can be a daunting task but when I look at the health benefits I have received, it is truly worth it.
Sometimes when tapping, I will get very tired and start yawning and feel like my mind wants to shut down, but if I change the subject I can be back to normal within a minute. Someone told me that this might be resistance. How might I clear that?
Yes it might be resistance….One way of dealing with that is http://tappingqanda.com/2011/06/layers-of-resistance/
thank you for the explanation. I just started tapping and also find myself extremely tired after. I was going to try and do some sessions during my lunch, but since I have been having this side effect and understandably so… I will do my tapping before bed and good night rest. :) thanks
Thanks a lot for this information!!!!
Tapping has indeed changed my life for the better but I think I need to take a break because I am tapping too much and the deep core issues really hurt me! It’s important to take things slowly and not lightning fast like I usually do hahaha! ;)
This is interesting. I was using a book to release some money issues which got to a lot of core issues yesterday, and I did quite a lot in one session. I felt impatient and irritated while I was doing the tapping but I persisted through it, I suppose this was some kind of resistance. Then last night I was really fatigued, which carried over to today even though I had a good night’s sleep. My logical mind tells me that tapping is useless but I must say I definitely feel a shift inside of me.
I have been tapping for over a week now for my metabolic rate , fat , OCD and relationship ! I have been really feeling tired and drained and was scared ! Reading this gives me assurance that’s it a shift in the energy and I will rest and recoup and keep tapping ! I also had a cold shortly after tapping could this be an energy shift too ? Well I’m loving tapping have lost weight and feel more positive ! Thank you all