What do I tap on when I don’t know what to tap on?
I’ve heard the same story from many clients. “I’ve tried Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) a few times with someone who knows what they are doing. I have seen great results and I’m very excited, but now that I’m on my own I don’t know were to start.”
Here are four easy suggestions for starting points when you don’t what to tap on.
I Don’t Know
I don’t like feeling lost. I don’t like feeling inadequate. I really don’t like the feeling of not knowing what I’m doing.
It is very easy to want to avoid tapping because you don’t know what you’re doing. Not knowing what to tap on is a great place to start.
I have no idea what I’m doing…This is all new to me…I am a little uncomfortable because I really don’t know what I’m doing…When I was working with someone else it was so easy…But they were experienced and I am not…And I don’t even know what I’m supposed to tap on…I’m not sure how to tune into or rate an issue…I feel like I’m just going to be wasting my time…Maybe my body or subconscious mind knows what I am supposed to be tapping on.
Tapping on this for a little while will make you more comfortable continuing this new technique. Also, after doing this sort of tapping, tune in to see if any specific issues have arisen.
Resistance to Change
Often we are resistant to change of any type, even if it’s change for health and well-being. Change means different and new. Change means unexpected.
It’s common for us to cling to what is in our life because we know how to manage it, even if we don’t like it. Sometimes the trouble we know is better than the trouble we don’t know. This might be pain, but we know how to manage this pain.
I have learned the importance of clearing any resistance to change before any major tapping from Maria and Ted Robinson.
Even though there might be some resistance to change, I love and accept myself…It is possible there is part of me that doesn’t really want to change because it’s worried about what I will become…I give myself permission to heal and change…Change might be hard, but it can be very good…I let go of any resistance to change that I have…I let go of any fear that I have about what this change might mean for me. [How to use these tapping phrases]
By clearing the resistance to change, we clear out any thoughts or fears that are preventing us from tuning into the issue we really want to be working on.
Pain in Body
We all want to feel better physically. We move through each and every day with small aches and pains. Because of everything we need to get done we generally don’t give them much thought. We just push through.
A great way to start any tapping session is to start with what your body is feeling right now. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. After you have relaxed a little, just notice any aches, pains, or stiffness in the body.
Then one at a time, work your way through each of these pains.
If you want guidance on how to tap for physical pain, check out: Learn EFT – EFT 102: Step One – Tune in and Rate – (Physical Issue)
The Last Few Days
Sometimes we don’t have a huge pressing emotional issue. Or sometimes we might just not have the energy to dive into a large emotional issue.
Even when we don’t attack something big, most of us have had things happen in the last few days that have rubbed us the wrong way or have caused us a little anxiety.
Every time we have feelings that are away from health and well being or when we have a disproportionate emotional response it gives us an opportunity to do some work.
Close your eyes. Take a few deep breaths. Think back over the last 48 to 72 hours. What events cause discomfort? These don’t have to register a 7 or 8 on the SUDs scale. Just notice anything at all. On a piece of paper make a list of these issues. Then one at a time tap them away.
Hello Gene,
I just happened upon a response you wrote about not knowing what to do and you mentioned learning “resistance to change” from us. I’m honored for your comment and want to thank you.
Also, I want to mention that resistance to change is perhaps the single largest impediment to change in all healing modalities, yet the least identified or addressed in my opinion.
I’ve heard from a lot of people that by simply tapping on “this reistance to change” repeatedly, they seem to “clear the decks” and change can happen much more quickly than ever before. I’ve received word from many people who have just used resistance to change tapping and gained great relief for whatever they were already tapping on unsuccessfully. As you know, I have a video on resistance to change on Youtube.com that allows people to tap along with it and gain the benefit for free.
My purpose is simply and solely to change the world for the better. I see that its your goal too. Congratulations on your great web site.
Ted Robinson
You are spot on about easy ways to clear resistance.
Here are two more articles that have audios you can tap along with:
Not sure how to be specific
Getting Started