One of my clients recently asked me, “What is the endgame to this tapping thing?” What he meant by the question is besides the constant improvement of our lives (which is no small thing), where does tapping lead us? What is the final goal?
We usually think that we tap to feel better, and of course this is true, but there’s more to it than just feeling better.
In my mind, we tap for two main reasons. How we tap is impacted by these reasons and each has its own tapping approach. In this audio I explain the two reasons and how to best tap for them.
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Daimon says
I found your ideas very much in line with my thinking. They stimulated me to take another step in how I think of EFT, or rather another step in articulating how I think of it. The comment I started to write turned into a post, here:
Gene Monterasetlli says
Daimon Sweeney provides a really nice reflection on this audio over on his site. You should check it out.
ishan says
Hi Gene! Hearing your voice is always heart-warming. As we discussed, when I begain saying “Even though……….. I deeply and completely love and accept myself!”, I became more intrigued and fascinated by the context of self-love and self-acceptance than by the specific issue that I was tapping on. And as I persued this tack, I found that self-love and self-acceptance put me in a vibrational range wherein a feeling/experience of connection with the larger reservoir of All-Love is more readily available. And further, that from that “place”, it is not that the past and future are obliterated, but rather, from that “place”, 1)the embrace of the Ever-Present and by the Ever-Present are a by-product of that connection, and, 2)the consideration of contexts, past and future, are automatically viewed from and conceived of within a framework of Balance. So, it appears that these descriptive words/feelings are all facets of that range of vibration. Self-love, self-acceptance, Ever-Present, Balance, Equanimity, Gratitude, Unconditional Love, Peace, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy, Generosity, – are all facets of the jewel of that beautified range of vibration. Indeed they are all facets of each other!
And, as you have pointed out, Gene, a large part of what we are doing when tapping is working on eliminating those vibrational aspects within ourselves that are blockages or interferences to accessing that higher range of vibration within ourselves.
Another perspective is that many metaphysicians, transcendentalists, etc., advocate that this higher range of vibration is our real nature, and that once we learn to access it, it is not static, but it expands infinitely, as we partake of it. Not only can we have our cake and eat it, but the more we partake of it, the larger the cake gets. And the more we have the more we can share, and the more we share the more we can hold. The punch-line is that this is the experience that we are always reaching out for, in our daily endeavors. But, (and this is a very large but) when we are vibrating in ranges that not part of the Absolute spectrum, we search for it in countless ways that give decreasing returns. It is self-interest, but not enlightened self-interest.
So through tapping, one may become successfully opulent in the catagories, of wealth, beauty, power, fame, intelligence, and even renunciation, but until we get a taste of that higher range of vibration that is our God-given potential, we should comprehend that we will never acquire the satisfaction that we are actually seeking.
The scriptures of the world all concur in declaring that when we reach the “Kingdom of God”, all else will be added unto us, without separate endeavor. So, yes, there is nothing wrong with tapping for a better job, for wealth, for relationship, etc., but let’s see these accomplishments as tiny steps in the right direction of increasing our sense of self-worth, and remember that these gifts are more pleasing to us when we learn how to share them. These are all incremental steps closer to the range of the Absolute vibration.
So we can take the incremental approach or the direct approach of learning to “deeply and completely love and accept ourselves unconditionally” so that we can resonate with the ever-present Ocean of All-Love. In fact, the classical tapping set-up statement invokes both approaches simultaneously. Did someone mention something about an “end-game”? Oh yes, the end-game is the same as it always has been. “Tap, and the door will be opened!”
Amer says
Hey Gene and a Daimon, very thoughtful ideas on the EFT process. As I was listening to you Gene, many of the ideas that Daimon expresses in his blog, were forming in my mind (thanks for reducing the struggle I was having in expressing them Daimon!).
In the letting go of the past, the struggle I have is reaching an equalibrium between being free of the fears of the past and being totally open and free to the present. I not sure that in the environment I live in London, England 2010 (which I love), I could be totally free to live in the present – do I walk down the road with bright lighting or do I walk down the road with less lighting – past experience and other peoples stories suggest that there might be more danger in the darker
So to some extent my past experiences/fears have taught me to be more ‘street wise’ to be safer in the present. We ‘adults’ call it common sense and learning from experience, but young people happily take routes without this fear.
I have tapped loads on my experience (I was mugged at a particular point on this nice route to our house from the train station- but it was one in the morning), but I find it hard to not think about this when I make my common sense decision about not taking that route late at night, and do find it constraining. I do tap whenever I get these thoughts and they are fading.
So right now my aim is to live freely in the present, learn from experience, while recognising that some of those experiences are based on past fears.
Love Amer
Virginia says
I listened to this podcast a couple of times and I agree about wounds of the past and fears of the future. It is a great way to describe our ‘issues’ to help move on and not be caught up in the victim role. I am excited to get the information and become more involved in tapping.
Brian says
Thanks, I enjoyed that one, real good…..and it makes a lot of sense about the human condition and dealing what the phenomena of “time”and its affect on our mental process.