There is no question that Donald Trump’s public persona is one in which he thinks a great deal of about himself. I don’t think it is a bad thing.
Sometimes I wonder if he is over-compensating for something else by talking such a big game about himself and his success. More than likely that is just my own insecurities being projected ontohis braggadociosness.
When it comes to seeking out teachers and role models for healing, growth, and self love Donald Trump probably isn’t in the first six hundred thousand names that would come to mind. Regardless what you think of “The Donald” he reminds us of some great lessons that we can learn about loving ourselves. Here are few of my favorites.
Take a few moments to read through the following quotes and, more importantly (!), take a few moments to tap through the scripts. It will put you in a state of mind that will have your ready to move forward.
[Note: I did the best I could to verify that these are in fact Donald Trump quotes but it is possible that I have misquoted or misattributed some of them.]
“Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken.”
Every movie has that moment when the main character feels like they have missed their chance. If they would have only said that one thing or done that one thing it would be different.
Inevitably, by the end they have another chance.
We are no different. Our story isn’t over. We can love ourselves knowing the story isn’t perfect and isn’t over.
My story isn’t over…it hasn’t worked out perfectly to this point…it feels like there are missed opportunities…it feels like these chances will never come again…but my story is not done…I am the author of my life…and I am going to create the ending I want…the fact that I have missed opportunities and made bad choices in the past…will only make it a better story when it all works out the way I want.
“As long as you’re going to be thinking anyway, think big.”
It takes a certain self belief to think we are worthy of better and more. There are few things that I find easier to underestimate than my own worth and ability. The hardest part of change and moving forward is the act of change. We are leaving the familiar and routine.
If we are going to take the effort to change, we might as well make it worthwhile. If we are going to dream we are worthy (and worthy of more) we might as was well go for dreaming big.
I want my life to be better…but sometimes it feels like I am asking for too much…I am dreaming too big…I am worthy of big dreams…it takes the same effort to dream small as to dream big…I give myself permission to dream big…even if I don’t get everything in my big dream…I will be closer to what I really want.
“The point is that you can’t be too greedy.”
Greedy feels like an ugly word. When we use the word greedy we are usually describing someone who is taking more than they deserve and taking from those in need. This might be true if there was a limit to resources, but there is not. There is more than enough and most of the time when we are adding to our life we are not stealing from others.
It is easy to talk ourselves out of moving forward because we think “we have enough”, “we have more than others”, or “we need to appreciate more what we have.” It is okay to know you are worthy of more. You don’t have to call it greedy, it is great that you want better in your life.
I am worried that if I get more in my life people are going to see me as greedy…It is going to look like I think I am better than others…it feels like I am depriving those in need…it feels like I am not appreciative of what I have…It is good that I want more and better in my life…it is good that I know I am worthy of more and better…it is not being greedy…it is becoming who I truly am.
“I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That’s where the fun is.”
We are not our past. Our past choices have informed who we are. Our past choices have created the current situation of our life. Who we are is the choices we make right now. We can choose to be something we have never been before in a moment.
This isn’t always the easiest thing to do, but it is possible. It requires us to love ourselves enough to know we can be different…and we can.
I am not my past…My past informs who I am…My past informs how others see me…My past has helped to create where I am right now…I have learned many things from my past…But I am not my past…I get to be whatever I want in this moment…I don’t need to be a prisoner of my past…In this moment I give myself permission to make a new choice…To be someone new…To know that I can take all the lessons from my past…and become someone who I want to be…In this moment…With new choices.
“Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away, and move on to something that’s more productive.”
I hate failing, especially when I fail in a very public way. We tell our friends what we are going to do and then we bump into obstacles that are unexpected or we realize it isn’t what we wanted after all.
When this happens it is really hard to walk away. We have already spent a lot of time working towards to the goal. It will feel like a waste if we walk away. It will feel like we are failure. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
It is okay to believe we are better than what we have committed to in the past. If the goal no longer serves us it is okay to let it go. That is not a failure. It is a statement that we are worthy of better than these outdated goals.
It is hard when our plans don’t work out…it is hard when we don’t reach the goals we have named…but there are going to be things that no longer serve us…It is going to be best for us if we walk away from these past efforts…At the moment it might feel like we have wasted our time…And we need to stick with it because we have invested so much…But in reality we need to move on…To free ourselves up to move closer to the goals that now serve us better…It is okay okey to let old un-useful goals and projects go if they are no longer useful to me…this is for the best…We need to love ourselves enough to let it go…To work towards what is best for us.
* * * *
Now that you have tapped through these 5 scripts there is one more thing you can do to help get more comfortable in your own skin. Take a moment and tap trough these 10 randomly generated phrases. (If you would like more phrases just refresh this web page and will generate ten more.)
I'm open to receiving inner guidance on how I can learn and grow with less judgment Even though I can hardly think
I'm choosing to have compassion for myself even though I can't yet love and accept myself Even though I have this issue and I am worried it is never going to change
Even though I have this issue and others judge me for it I accept myself, I respect myself and I love myself
I am willing to learn to love and accept myself Even though I won't know how to act if I get well
Even though I have this issue and it is a punishment I deserve I am willing to learn to love and accept myself
Even though I have this issue and I believe I am worthy of better I choose to start taking back my power
I believe this is the beginning of something better Even though I have this issue and I can't take it anymore
I know that I can find peace love Even though I have this issue and it feels hopeless
I'm open to receiving inner guidance on how I can learn and grow with less judgment Even though I may not accept and love myself as I am just yet
Even though I can't love and accept myself right now especially because of this issue I know I am more than this one aspect of my life
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