We are connected to many people in our lives, some very closely, others less so. When we make choices we don’t make them in a vacuum as we know that they impact other people, either affecting them directly or simply in the way they see us. Because we consider how our choices influence how others think about us we sometimes hesitate to act because we are unsure of their reaction, or we fear that they will react negatively. Our subconscious may restrain us from taking action unless we feel we have the permission of those around us to go after our dreams. It seems a little odd to ask someone permission to chase our dreams, but it is important to be aware of the areas in which we are holding ourselves back.
This tap-a-long served as a reminder that I have blocked my growth in some subtle or not so subtle ways. There are multipe meridian tapping resources available today and I appreciate your originality and creativity. Please keep the good stuff flowing!
Best to you.