Recently one of my clients, “Ann,” who wanted to do some Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) for her ankle, contacted me. She had been jogging in a park. Because of the way the grass had grown she did not see a large hole. She stepped into it and went down hard.
Fortunately for Ann she did not rip or break anything. However, she was in a great deal of pain and was told that she needed to be on crutches for two weeks to give the ankle a chance to heal.
As it turned out, we had a chance to do some tapping five days after she had hurt herself. At first glance you would have thought that we would have started with the physical pain and the physical healing process. Instead we started with emotions around the injury itself and how she felt about it at that moment.
I took this approach for two reasons. First, I am not a doctor and physical injury is not my expertise. Second, even though I have no proof, I believe that if we are spending energy on emotions (like overwhelm and worry) then we are spending resources that could be used for the physical healing process. We can also create secondary gain issues around not having the injury heal.
Our tapping sessions happened in 5 steps.
To begin with, I had Ann take a few deep breaths and tune-in to all that had happened. I had her think about how she hurt herself and how everything had unfolded since the fall. She reported that she felt embarrassed.
I asked her if she felt embarrassed because she fell while simply running on seemingly flat ground. Ann said, “No, I am more embarrassed by the fact that I am on crutches and everywhere I go people ask me about what happened.”
You will notice that my initial thought was wrong. I was injecting my perceptions of what I would personally find embarrassing into her moment. Remember, whenever you are tapping with someone who says they feel a certain emotion it is good to ask them why they feel that emotion.
Once Ann had identified that she was embarrassed by the attention she was getting we tapped on:
- People are asking because they are concerned and care
- This will only happen for a short period of time
- In a few weeks no one is going to remember
Missing Running In The Fall
After we had cleared the embarrassment I again asked Ann what emotion was dominant now. She reported a little sadness. When pressed on why she was sad she said that she really enjoyed running at this time of year and felt the injury was causing her to miss an opportunity.
So we tapped on:
- Appreciating the fact that she has run during this time of year in the past
- Running isn’t the only thing she can do outside at this time of year
- That because she can’t run this time of year it is helping her to realize that she can do lots of other things in this weather besides just running
- It was only temporary
Breaking Down
Once the feeling of sadness was clear I asked again what she was feeling. She said that she was realizing that she wasn’t as young as she once was. Now she is starting to break down physically.
So we tapped on:
- Aging is a reality
- But she is in better shape today than she was 10 years earlier because of the fact that she had been running on a regular basis
- A moment like this gives her a chance to recognize that her health is a blessing
- It is a reminder that she needs to keep working to maintain her health and well-being
- She was going to bounce back from this much faster because she was in shape. When she started running again she wouldn’t be in the exact same shape, but she wouldn’t have lost as much as she thought.
Appreciating The Healing Process
Ann then reported that there wasn’t an emotional charge left so we moved on.
The next thing I had her do was to tune-in to the physical pain itself. I had her think about the whole ankle area. After having her tune-in to the level of pain and to the type of pain I had her concentrate on the work the body was already doing. We tapped on something like this:
Right now my body is healing in many ways . . . most of these ways are happening on a subconscious and unconscious level . . . I love the fact that my body is able to do so much healing in big and small ways without me having to think about it . . . I know my body has been working day and night to continue the healing process . . . I give my system permission to continue this healing process . . . I know that if it needs anything it can just ask.
After tapping in this fashion Ann reported feeling even more at peace.
What Does The Space Need
Finally, after all of this we did some work on the actual physical pain. Ann said that there was a feeling of pressure coming from the inside of the ankle. She reported that it felt like a conflict between the flesh around her ankle that was swelling to heal and the compression of the wrap that was helping the healing process.
So we tapped on:
I appreciate the fact that my ankle is swelling to be able to heal . . . but I want my ankle to know that it is not the only part of my system that is working for my ankle’s health . . . I am adding compression to my ankle to help the healing process . . . by doing this I am using the intellect and advice of my medical team . . . to insure that I am healing at the right rate . . .
After tapping in this fashion she asked her ankle what else it needed in that space. Ann reported that it needed support on the inside, “Kind of like little crutches on the inside.” As she tapped she imagined that happening.
At that point she reported that her ankle felt much better.
It is important to note that she did not jump up and start dancing on the ankle. The healing process was not done, we had just helped it along. I encouraged her to keep tuning-in to the emotions around the injury and to keep tapping for the ankle.
If you are interested in a longer conversation about how to tap for pain and how to manage pain, check out Tapping For Physical Pain w/ Carol look and Pain Is Not Real w/ Dan Cleary.
awsome! you have had it in a very beautiful pattern
This is powerful stuff Gene. Thanks so much, it really helped me with a physical challenge I’ve been looking at.
Thank you for this detailed report. Yes, I really agree with you that physical pain has many emotional aspects. Tapping on those usually eases a lot of the phyiscal pain, and sometimes, it is the only way to make pain disappear completely. Thank you for pointing this out so clearly.