[Note: This is part 9 of a 10 part series on using EFT/Tapping for weight release with a new article or podcast being added every 10 days. The complete series can be found @ weight release series.]
![]() photo by Wilson Bilkovich |
The extra weight exists on the body for two basic reasons. The first is the most obvious. When the body takes in too many calories and the system can’t burn them fast enough we hold the energy as fat in the body to be used at a later date. There two basic steps to dealing with this sort of weight: regulating the caloric intake (type and amount) and maintain the body in such a fashion that it is more efficient in burning calories.
This is why I think it is very important that if you are choosing to go through a weight release program that you are receiving proper exercise and nutrition advice that meets your needs based on age, body type, body condition, and disposition. I firmly believe to improving the bodies health it is both/and proposition. We need to take care of the emotional issues as well as the physical issues.
Please seek guidance and information for a trained and reputable source.
The second reason the body won’t release weight is because the weight is serving a very particular function. I have clients who have changed their diet and exercise only to have their physical body not release any weight. As we have talked about in a number of the articles in this series, if the body thinks something is useful it is not going to change. The body’s only goal is to do what it thinks is best. Often times when we are holding weight it is because if believes the weight is serving us.
For a detailed examination of some of the specific reasons weight is held in particular parts of the body please see Weight and Emotion.
Even when we have an idea of why the body thinks the weight is useful (based on information from region of the body it is held or some other belief) I find it best to ask the system why the weight is there and what purpose it is serving.
When I am doing weight release work with clients this is one of the first things that we will do. The process is very simple. I would encourage you to tap from point to point as you are doing this process.
1) Ground Your Self
To begin with take a few deep breaths and just tune into your physical body. Because we live much less labor intensive lives from previous generations we are much less in touch with our body. Hours can past without giving our body any conscious thought. Feel yourself in your body.
2) Give Thanks To Your Body
Our bodies are really amazing things. It is a community of over 3 trillion cells working harmony. So much is happening at every moment from digestion to circulation, new parts are being built while others are being repaired, and intruders and harmful elements are being eliminated. All of this happens without us thinking, but all of these functions are necessary for us to do all of the things we enjoy in life.
Revel in the amazing system that your body is. Give thanks for all it does. Pay attention to how your body responds to this affirmation. It will surprise you.
3) Tune Into The Weight
In the same way that you tuned into your full body, do the same thing for the extra weight you have not released. Simply notice where it is and how it feels.
4) Give Thanks For The Weight
Remember, the body thinks the weight is necessary and is holding it for a very specific purpose. We might be happy with the outcome and it might be holding for a reason that isn’t helpful, but the fact that the body is trying to do its best for us is good to recognize. We are not thanking the weight for its tactic and we are not thanking the weight for the outcome. We are thanking it for trying to do its best for us. You might tap on something like this:
I know this extra weight is not healthy for me…and I know I would like to release this weight…but I want to give my body thanks for trying to keep me safe and healthy…the body believes this weight is serving a purpose…and is only holding the weight for good reason…this weight is nothing more than energy…all matter is nothing more than energy…that is being held is a solid state…the body must be working really hard…if it is able to hold that much energy…in a solid state…it must be working really hard…because it thinks it is doing the best for me…I am thankful it is willing to work so hard…even if the outcome isn’t what I want…I believe I can transform this powerful force in to a new tactic…that will produce an outcome that is helpful to me.
Pay attention to how the weight responds to this. Again, it will be surprising
5) Ask The Weight Why It Is There
It is that simple, just ask. If it gives you an answer you don’t understand just ask a follow up question. Here is a list of reasons I have heard from clients.
- If you are fat you won’t attract unwanted attention.
- If you are attractive they are going to want to get to know you, only to be let down by who you really are.
- If you lose weight you will move forward to quickly.
- If you lose weight your family will think you think you are better than them.
- People always steal your energy and emotion. This is to protect you from the emotional vampire.
That is a very incomplete list, but it gives you an idea of what might come up. This information will give you insight into the emotional roots preventing the weight release, giving you lots of fodder for your tapping sessions.
6) What If You Get No Information Back?
That is okay. If you get no information back tap on something like this:
It is okay that the system didn’t give me any information about why the weight is there…I know there are lots of ways to get to the roots of the weight issue…and I can even heal this problem without ever know what the roots are…maybe the body is keeping me safe from information that I don’t need right now…either way I am happy my body is trying to take care of me…I have confidence we will work this out.
When tapping like this one of two things will happen. First, the system might just give up the information the way a 5 year old gives up a toy once you show no interest in it. Second, you might not get any information but you are going to be comfortable in know they process has begun and can rest in the peace of that thought.
In part 10 of this series we will look at how we can use tapping to regulate body functions.
Would you like to work with Gene one-on-one with your weight release? Here is the current weight release special.
Very good article, I love the easiness in the fact that we don’t HAVE to know all the reasons and can just move around that.
I just discovered this website through a newsletter I received. I’m trying to permanently release the 40-45 lbs. I gained the weight within a short amount of time in 2009/2010. First, I don’t understand how I gained the weight when I eat clean. I don’t frequent fast food restaurants or eat snacks every day. I would workout 5-7 days per week. Second, I became a vegetarian because I thought that would help to move the weight. This hasn’t worked. I enjoyed being a size 2 and am now a size 6 which doesn’t feel comfortable. I prefer to be lighter.
I’ve been through some major changes like having to move back to the cold, snowy, rainy, and gray Midwest from sunny, warm, and bright Arizona. I’ve stopped analyzing why my move to AZ in 2007 didn’t work out. I desperately want to move back. Yes, I know I used the word ‘desperate’ but that’s how I feel. There’s no way in he** I can spend another winter in the Midwest. I love the Southwest and West Coast. I miss hiking at South Mountain, I miss going to the park every day, and I basically miss Arizona all together. I’m missing out on opportunities left and right.
I’m hoping EFT can help me to release the weight and gain financial abundance; I’d like this to happen quickly. I feel as if my life is passing me by and it sucks big time.