Can people with neurostimulator implants or pacemakers receive benefits from tapping? I understand the presence of the body’s natural energy (electricity) system, but don’t both of these medical devices also produce electrical charges within the body?
[Note: I am not a medical doctor. I am not qualified to provide medical advice or diagnosis. This article is provided for informational purposes only. Please consult with your primary care physician before making any changes to your health regimen.]
![]() photo by John (jlcwalker) |
I believe there are two ways we can approach this question, and improve the effectiveness of tapping, by working with the implant and the energy created by the implant.
The Implant
Our bodies are designed so that they are very effective in fighting off substances that might be harmful to our system. We have processes and protocols that deal with environmental allergens, diseases, fungus, and viruses. As effective as these systems are, they are relatively primitive.
These systems simply detect what is foreign and proceed to eliminate it. There are times when they over respond (e.g. a major allergy attack), or when they attack something that is actually helpful for the body. A good example is an organ transplant. It’s obvious to us that something foreign has been replaced for health reasons, but the body doesn’t recognize this and attacks the new organ as if it were harmful. This is equally true for any sort of medical implant.
A number of years ago I was working with a client who had surgery where her rib cage was opened up. The ribs were then reattached to each other with wire to keep them in place as they healed back together. She was having a very hard time post operatively.
Her body was trying to expel the unfamiliar substance, which had been added in a very traumatic way. This wire had been chosen specifically to last and stay in place, so her body was simply going to keep fighting and fighting and the wire wasn’t going to go anywhere.
As strange as it sounds, the way we worked on the problem was to reconcile the body to the wire. The tapping went something like this:
“There is a wire that is in my body…I did not choose to have it placed there…the doctors put it in without my consent…the surgery was an emergency and I didn’t have a choice in the matter…I am still angry and frustrated about the surgery…but I am not angry at the wire…the wire didn’t force its way into my body…the wire doesn’t choose to stay in my body…it is just there…the wire was placed to help my body to heal…the wire was used to help the bones to grow back together…I am happy the wire is trying to help my body heal…even if my body thinks the wire is something that needs to be expelled…I give my body permission to know that in its current form the wire is not a danger to my health…I want my body to continue to work to remove anything that is a danger to me…but this wire is not a danger…it is there to assist the healing…the wire is not something that needs to be fought…I am happy my body is working so hard to keep me safe and healthy…but it doesn’t have to work on the wire…I choose to make the wire a member of my body until it is no longer needed…I release any hurt, anger, and frustration I have towards the wire…it is not the wire’s choice to be inside me…it does me no good to hold hard feelings against the wire.”
You will notice in this tapping pattern we dealt with both the physical response to the wire as well as the emotions about how the wire got there and the fact that it was still there.
The client reported a great deal of relief after this tapping. I have found it very helpful to do this sort of tapping for any type of implant.
First, get emotionally clear about the need to have the implant. Second, work with the body to help it to understand that even though this is a foreign substance, that doesn’t mean it’s a danger.
Energetic Charge In The Body
There are specific types of implants that also have an energetic charge to them because of the function they perform, like the ones mentioned in the question. The approach I would use for this is very similar to any other implant, but I would add the following.
“The implant that I have is creating an energetic charge…the energy it is creating is there to help my body find healing and relief…this is a foreign source of energy that my body does not know…I am happy my body is trying to keep me safe…I ask my body to reconcile with this new form of energy…I am not asking my body to accept all energy as good and healthy…I am asking my body to tune into this particular new form of energy…I ask the body to understand with the wisdom from my higher self why this new energy has been added…I ask my body to utilize this new energy for my health and well being…only accepting in ways that are helpful and healing…knowing full well that my body is designed to and needs to keep me safe…I trust my body can find balance to use this energy for my health and well-being…I trust my body to reject any energy that is not useful and unhealthy…I let my body know I do not think it has failed and that is why I have added this implant…I let my body know the reason I have added the implant is to help it in its job…I let my body know I will continue to check in with it around this issue…I will continue to listen to the feedback from my body around this issue…I want the body’s feedback around this issue…I will continue to work with my body around this issue.”
Tapping in this fashion will assist the body in discerning what is helpful and what is not, open it to being more accepting of what is helpful, clear the emotional charge around the new energy, and give it encouragement to continue communicating its needs with us.
In the long term all of these outcomes will be helpful.
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