One of the real benefits of using tapping is the fact that each round of tapping is so short. After each round it is easy to check in to see how we are doing and if we are working in the right direction, which helps us to know what we need to do next.
In my experience there are four typical outcomes to a round of tapping which give us information.
1) The pain/emotion reduces in intensity. This tells us we are doing the right work in the right place and so we should keep tapping in the same fashion for the same issue.
2) The pain/emotion increases in intensity. This reaction to tapping can be the most confusing. When this happens it feels like tapping has made matters worse. What has really happened is that with this round of tapping we have simply focused more clearly on the issue.
This is much like when you have a knee injury. As you move through your day you might not notice it but the moment you sit down at the end of the day all of a sudden you notice how much your knee hurts. Sitting down and relaxing didn’t make it hurt more, but because we are resting we give the knee more attention and notice the pain more.
Tuning into an issue brings it into sharper focus, which can feel like we are making the issue worse. When this happens it means we are on the right track and should keep tapping on the issue.
3) The pain/emotion changes in location, texture, or type. This is an odd sensation. When you start tapping there is a feeling in your stomach. A moment later you feel it in your throat.
This informs us that we are getting closer to the root, but haven’t yet reached it. We are getting closer, but need to keep working.
4) There is no change in intensity. This means we need to change our approach. Typically this means we don’t have enough water in the system, are resisting, or we are not being specific enough.
All four of these outcomes are good news. We are either healing, or have more information about what is the best next step to healing.
This article is part of TappingQ&A’s Learn Tapping Guide. Full Guide | Previous Article | Next Article
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