Today we are going to tap for Creativity.
Thanks for taking part in the 30-Day Tapping Challenge!
Don’t forget to sign up to receive daily reminders so that you don’t miss a day of tapping.
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Thanks again

As i tapped eith the sentence about safety, i realised that thinking out of the box is actually safer than staying in the box; i am especially thinking of health, giving birth, breastfeeding successfully, raising whole and healthy children. Creatively yours Christina
Hi Gene,
Just wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying these 5 minute tap-alongs.
I have very limited time, but tapping really helps my stress level, so I am very happy to have these.
Most tapping experts put out free 1 hour webinars that you only have a week to watch 7 of them. Impossible for me.
So I think your idea is great! Thanks!!!