One of the most common issues I uncover in my client sessions is the feeling of not being worthy to be here.
It’s seldom the main issue my clients present when we start working together, but as we work we find instances from their past where they felt dismissed or ignored by the people who were important to them.
This creates a feeling of not believing you are worthy to be here at this moment. Here is a simple tap-along that will help you to recognize that you are worthy and valuable!
You can find the full tapping script of this audio as a pdf over at Tapping Q and A Podcast Scripts and Transcripts.
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Thank you for posting this powerful tap. Much appreciated.
Many thanks for sharing your great, relevant experiences in such a generous way, week in, week out.
Interesting one. Thanks Gene. Right now it doesn’t feel an issue, but has often been right at the core of my life.
Adding this one to my resource file.
Wow what a big sigh I had at the end of 4 rounds of tapping on these thoughts, I added in a few of my own ‘worthiness issues’ we have bought a really old house and we are stripping it back to bare bone and its scary, I tapped on being worthy to renuew the old house and trusting myself to do it along with the other issues. Thank you for all your wonderful efforts and sharing them with us all.
love angel x
I just came cross this “tapping” after waking this morning with pain in my shoulder. Basically a “stiff neck” Sitting on the side of the bed @ 5:30am, tapping, I discovered I was still feeling “stupid” for the dumb comments I had made in a public meeting I had just attended earlier that evening. I had to remind myself that I still loved & accepted myself. Now I am telling myself that I am still worthy to be here, even if I make a “dumb” comment!
I’m glad you are giving it at try…When you are having a hard time tapping check out this:
This tapping session really connected with me. The statements you used were things that popped up in my head many times when I went out to sell insurance from door to door and it was extremely difficult for me. I am so glad to have something, I feel addresses that particular circumstance. Thank You.
As an Integrative Psychoanalyst and Coach who has incorporated EFT into my work I am so appreciative of your site and the resources it offers. I am recommending it to my clients! and of course enjoying the benefits myself! Thanks Gene, for providing such a valuable and useful tool.
Thank you for sharing this concise and direct session. It really gets to the core of so many troubling blocks. I’m appreciating your insights and sensitive delivery.