One of the most powerful tools in my own learning as a practitioner has been listening to other practitioners working with real clients on real issues. It is a great chance to see how a skilled practitioner takes concepts I understand intellectually and apply them in real world situations.
In this unique audio you have the opportunity to hear me working one-on-one with a real client. As well as hearing me tap with my client, you’ll hear my additional commentary explaining my choices and my thought process in the moment.
You can find the full tapping script as a pdf of this audio over at Tapping Q and A Podcast Scripts and Transcripts.
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Hi Gene this sounds pretty cool, just a couple quick questions.
1. was wondering if you’d offer a one off payment lifetime subscription?
2. once joined am I able to cancel at any time (not that I’d want to do that, however one never knows where one will be in a years time for example)
1) At this time there is no lifetime membership (but it is an idea to consider).
2) Yes, you can cancel anytime.