2019 Tapping Challenge: Day 16 – I choose kindness November 16, 2019 By Gene Monterastelli 1 Comment Thanks for taking part in the November 30-Day Tapping Challenge! Don’t forget to sign up to receive daily reminders so that you don’t miss a day of tapping. If you liked today’s video, please share it with a friend. Related articles and podcasts: 2019 Tapping Challenge: Day 3 – The future is what I choose to make it now 2019 Tapping Challenge: Day 9 – I choose to focus on one day at a time 2019 Tapping Challenge: Day 5 – I am worried that if I do this for myself, my loved ones will expect me to do it for them as well 2019 Tapping Challenge: Day 12 – I accept the best that life has to offer me! 2019 Tapping Challenge: Day 13 – Failure is no fun
DAWN FRIED says November 16, 2019 at 1:59 pm Thanks Gene! I’m enjoying this challenge. I Haven’t been able to do it every day but do so for most and really appreciate your time and effort and willingness to share this with so many. Reply
Thanks Gene! I’m enjoying this challenge. I Haven’t been able to do it every day but do so for most and really appreciate your time and effort and willingness to share this with so many.