When we are in a great deal of emotional or physical pain it can be a struggle to believe it can get better. We might believe that our situation can be manageable, but we have lost hope in true transformation.
Once we feel hopeless, our natural state is not to take action. Subconsciously we understand that if better isn’t possible, then taking action will be a waste of time. We choose to do nothing in order to save fruitless effort.
Julie Schiffman has come up with the perfect tapping tool for times like these. Instead pushing ourselves to what feels unreasonable, it is a form of tapping were we simply wonder “what would happen if” our situation were to change.
It is a very gentle tool that will move us from hopelessness to action. In this conversation not only does Julie share how to do it, she gives a great demonstration to which you can tap along.
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Guest:Julie Schiffman
Contact: web @ JulieSchiffman.com; facebook @ Julie Schiffman EFT; instagram @Julieschiffman_tapintolife; youtube channel @ Julie Schiffman; YouTube demonstrations @ over 100 videos
About:Julie Schiffman, MSW, is an internationally recognized Expert EFT Practitioner. For more than 20 years, she has counseled thousands of clients, helping them break through physical and emotional barriers. Her life-changing YouTube videos have been viewed more than 4 million times.
She is best known for her expertise in helping others heal from pain, disease, weight issues, phobias and other emotional and physical stressors.
She was formerly the chief EFT practitioner for Dr. Mercola’s Center for Natural Health for over 15 years. Julie has been a featured presenter at the “Tapping World Summit” every year since its inception in 2008.
Listening to the “what if” tapalong, I thought also of the idea “What if I’ve already done enough prep work?” “What if I don’t need to do more right now?” I often am so focused on what I *haven’t* done, that I forget what I may already have accomplished … every moment feels like a zero-start … and it feels therefore like I can never be at *enough.*
“What if” tapping is an awesome tapping technique to add to our toolbox. You’re right, just hearing the positive endings to the what if statements raises one’s vibration. Will definitely incorporate this technique in my work. Thanks for sharing and for all you do for the tapping community. Have a splendid day!
Thank you ! Really Good ! I feel better now !