I was recently having drinks with a friend and we were talking about my time teaching anger management in jail. She asked if I would teach her one of the tools I taught the guys.
So I explained one of my favorites.
She responded, “I can see how that tool would useful, but that is just about emotions generally. How is that tool an ‘anger management’ tool?”
And she was right.
Every tool I taught in jail was about having a healthy emotional response. Yes, the guys were looking to manage their anger, but the tools and techniques we use for anger are no different than those we would use any other disproportionate emotion.
The Real Goal
When we are working with our emotional response, the goal of tapping is not to be emotionless. The goal is to have a proportional, well-informed response.
Everything we do when tapping for our emotions is about returning them to balance. We can successfully use the same techniques for all emotions is because the process of transforming our emotional response is the same regardless of the emotion we are working on.
Very early on in tapping with clients I realized there was a consistent process that we go through as we work our way to well-informed, proportional emotional responses.
In this podcast I explain the stages we move through when we are healing our emotional responses.
Understanding this transformed the way I worked with clients AND how I understand my own healing journey.
I would listen to this audio two or three times. Once you understand this process it will give you an understanding of where to start with your issue to gain the fastest results from your tapping.
Gene – you’re always so great at describing and explaining stuff I “get,” but can’t always put into words.
Thanks for all you do!