Are you having trouble coming up with tapping phrases? Here is a simple solution: think of an emotion that you would like to work on, such as anger, sadness, feeling overwhelmed etc., and answer the questions that follow. Once you have answered all of the questions, hit submit and *poof* there is a tapping script!
Name a negative emotion:
Describe in detail what happened in a situation where you felt this emotion:
Describe in detail how it affected you when it happened:
Describe in detail how it is effecting you now:
Describe in detail all of the negative outcomes of what happened when it happened:
Describe in detail all of the negative outcomes you are experiencing today from this situation:
Describe in detail how you feel about the outcomes:
Describe in detail all possible future negative outcomes from what happened:
Describe in detail how you feel about these possible future outcomes:
If you had the power to change anything about this situation describe in detail how you change it:
Thank you. This exercise was extremely helpful…
It got to the meat of the issue very easy and it was very helpful. Thank you.
Gene, I love this tool!
how can I put it in my website, for my Spanish clients?
At the moment it is not something that can be added to other sites. This is just the first draft of the code. I will keep you posted on updates.
Thank you very much :) this is very helpful.
Thanks so much for sharing this
Instead of “describe in detail”, I wish these boxes were more specific so that it’s more like mad-libs and my responses can be concise, to the point, and fit well within the script.
Thanks for this and all your posts!!! :)
Thank you so much, Gene. I’ll let you know how I get on with the script. Pamela
Thank you, I found this tool really helpful.
I hope with all my heart that this will help; I am going to start today and will see how it works. So far the other podcasts I have been using on this site have given me hope and they help me to get through my days. I am very thankful that somebody sent me this website. It’s like a gift from heaven.
thank you so much this is really awesome and I know will be very helpful. the timing was also perfect. know that I have used it once I have a better sense of how to phrase the responses in the box.
This is a fantastic tool. Thank you so much for creating it. The script wasn’t exactly what I wanted, but it helped me to shape it into just the right text for my first written tapping script!
My gratitude and appreciation to you!
Wow, what fantastic questions. I wasnt sure how it was going to come together, but the disjointed sentences made me laugh which interrupted my negative thoughts about the issue. So bonus distraction technique. Im very glad I found this today. Look forward to watching it develop.
Gene< this is great this tool gave me instant perspective on the heart of the issue. How do I know which part goes with which tapping point?
Please let me know!!!
You can use these phrases on any tapping point,. I move from point to point with each phrase OR I will cut the phrase in half and do it on two tapping points.
Gene, thank you for developing this script tool. I teach EFT to my clients and help them work through issues, and this tool will be of great help.
Gene! Hello! Your tool just found me!
You’ve created an helpful and easy to use tool. I now have a script and I can start with. It took me years to get to this point. Keep creating tools like these. How can I buy you a coffee? If you don’t drink coffee, you get the gist ;). Fina
Hello Gene, thank you for this amazing tool!!! How can I save the script I generate to repeat it some other time?
Thank you again!!
Greetings from Argentina :)