One of the really nice things about tapping is that we can jump right into dealing with an issue without the need for a complicated set-up or time consuming relaxation process before we begin.
Even though we can jump right in there are a few things we can do to ensure we get the most out of our tapping time. It is helpful to be grounded in the moment, to be grounded in our physical bodies, open to healing, and aware of the healing power of our system.
Here is a quick 5 step process that does all of these things. Once you have it mastered it is the perfect way to start a tapping session.
Video Transcript
Hi everyone, this is Gene Monterastelli, the Editor of and welcome to another Tapping Ninja video. We call them Tapping Ninja because like a ninja’s punch, they’re super, super powerful but they’re also super quick. These are things that you could add to your tapping repertoire right away that will make a huge difference.
Today what I’d like to share with you is how I start a session. Now I use this with my clients as well as tapping on my own. There are five simple parts to it and what I’m going to do is walk you through each of the five parts and explain why I do each of the steps. To begin with like most tapping all we do is we start by tapping on the side of the hand. But instead of using the set-up phrase, what we’re going to do is we’re just going to take a nice deep breath and you can go ahead and do that right now.
Now when we get to tapping on a specific issue, then we’re going to reintroduce the setup phrase but for now, just tap here and take a couple of deep breaths. And it just sets the tone, it starts to get you relaxed and it starts to clear some of that reversal.
Now, step number two, what we’re going to do is we’re going to take both hands, we’re going to tap under the eyes and as we tap under the eyes, again another nice deep breath. But this time what we’re going to do is we’re just going to feel ourselves grounded in our physical body. Now it’s really easy for us to be distracted from our physical body. Our minds are all over the place. And we’re not as grounded as we once were when we don’t do work or we’re using our body every day. And so it’s really easy to be disconnected from the body. The body has so much information about the healing that we want to happen and the issues that are at hand, it’s really important we find ourselves in our body. So tap under the eyes, take a nice deep breath. And just tune in to the body. You don’t need to say any phrases. You don’t need to do anything specific, just pay attention to the whole physical system.
Now for step number three, what we’re going to do is we’re going to tap on the collarbone with both hands but instead of tapping like this what we’re going to do is we’re going to cross our hands, nice and simple. And by crossing our hands what we’re going to do is we’re going to clear some of the switching that happens and some of the reversals. Again, take a nice deep breath. This time what we’re going to do is we’re going to feel ourselves grounded in this moment. It’s really easy for us to be distracted in a million places all at once. When we’re doing tapping work, it’s really important we’re here and now so we can pay attention to what’s happening. So again, it’s really simple to do. All we’re doing is we’re putting ourselves into this moment right here. To do that, cross your hands, take a nice deep breath, and just feel yourself in this moment.
Now for step four, what we’re going to do is we’re going to take a fist and we’re going to tap nice and gentle right in the center of chest. Now, if this is painful, don’t do it. And don’t do anything that causes you physical pain while tapping. If this is painful, you can rub, you can just place your hand there. If you can tap, go ahead and tap. And what you’re going to do is you’re going to tune in to the amazing healing power of your body.
So try this out and I’ll lead you through it:
I really appreciate my physical system…It does so many amazing things in subconscious and unconscious ways day and night, for my health and my wellbeing…I so appreciate the fact that I don’t have to give conscious attention to many of these healing processes…I know my system isn’t perfect…I know it isn’t completely efficient all the time but I really appreciate the fact that it works in subconscious and unconscious ways for my health and my well-being…So I don’t have to give it conscious attention so I can put my attention in other places throughout my day…Nice deep breath.
And part of what this is doing is just like setting the table by creating the rapport with our system so we can really move then and do some deep powerful work.
Step number five is really simple. What we’re going to do is we’re going to tap on our chin. Go ahead and do it. And as we tap on our chin, what we’re going to do is we’re going to set the system up to know that this is a safe time for us to heal. And again, I’m just going to lead you through it. Tap on your chin. Take a nice deep breath.
As I tap today, I’m going to find my way to physical sensations, emotions, memories, limiting beliefs…I want my system to know that as I do this work today, there’s no judgment here…Whatever information comes forward, I appreciate… And even if the system doesn’t understand it and I don’t consciously understand the information that’s coming forward, I appreciate the fact that that information is coming forward because even if I don’t understand it, it will help facilitate the healing process…My time here is set aside for healing, health and well-being. I give this system permission to allow that to happen…There’s no judgment here… Whatever information that needs to come forward, I’ll be glad to receive it.
And so what we’re doing there is we’re just setting ourselves up to have a really successful session. There are lots of things where we’ve had in the past choices that we’re not happy with. We don’t like the choices we made originally or we don’t like the way we responded to something or we don’t like the way we remembered something. By giving ourselves permission to know that it’s okay. That there’s no judgment here, it’s going to be easier for us to open ourselves up to find our way to those root causes.
Really that’s all there is to it. Five simple steps. Start by tapping on the side of the hand. Taking a nice deep breath. Tap onto the eyes, deep breath. Grounding your physical body. Collarbone, crossed hands, deep breath, ground in this moment, center of the chest, tune in to the amazing healing power of the body. Tap on the chin. Give yourself permission to know that there’s no judgment here. Whatever comes forward is useful and helpful and powerful. And it’s just that simple. Now you can dive in and do your regular tapping. Whatever it is, tap on the side of the hand, tune in to your set-up phrase and off you go.
The really cool thing about this little set-up technique is, it doesn’t have to be a set-up. It can actually be all the tapping you do. Take 45 seconds or a minute to do this and what it’s going to do is it just going to move you to this moment. It’s going to help you to let go of the worries of the future. It’s going to help you to let go of any nagging regret that you’re pulling from the past. It’s going to put you in this moment which will make it easier for you to make good choices and be present to those around you. That’s all there is to it. Five simple steps.
This is Gene Monterastelli for Tapping Q and A. If you’d like to see more videos just like this one, all you need to do is go to We’ve got lots of super short, super powerful instructional videos. I’ll talk to you real soon. Bye-bye.
Simple, easy, straight-forward, and best of all, hightly effective! Thanks Gene.
Thank you very much for all the free information. I have just recently discovered EFT and find it amazing. The 10 things not to do comes a bit late, but rather late than never, they say.
Thanks Gene! Great set up! Thanks for sharing!
This is fantastic! I already feel more energized and centered and grounded. thank you for making these tips and reminders available for free.
Tight, simple, valuable. Thanks, Gene. I’ll be adding at least the core of this simple attention/intention welcome to my tapping.
Gene, Thank you so much for sharing so many nice exercises. I I really appreciate and enjoy tapping along.
Thanks again and God bless you always.