Sometimes we won’t tap because we think an issue is too big. Or we feel like we can’t make enough progress to make worth our while. When tapping sometimes doing just a little is enough to make a big difference.
In this short video we look at how easy it is to make space for the healing process by doing a little tapping.
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Video Transcript
This is Gene Monterastell, the Editor of and welcome to another instructional video.
Today what I want to do is I want to talk to you a little bit about being open to change and transformation. I think one of the misconceptions we have or one of the reasons why we don’t sit down to tap is because we believe we need knockout the entire issue when we sit down. And that’s going to create some resistance because I might not feel that I have enough time to clear out the issue today. Or, it might feel like the issue is so big that there’s no possible way I’m going to get through it all in one sitting therefore I’m just not going to do it because it’s not going to feel like its successful. But that’s not true.
Any progress we make with tapping is important because its going to move us forward and its going to make it easier for us in the future so as we go forward, there’s going to be less of impacting as every single day and its going to make it easier the next time we sit down to tap for it.
The other thing that’s important to consider is the fact that we don’t need to open ourselves to change forever. By simply opening ourselves to change for a small amount of time, it can move us forward in really profound ways.
I don’t need to be fearless forever. I just need to be fearless long enough to make that one phone call I need to make in order to move my business forward. I need to be fearless enough to confront the person at work who’s been given a really hard time. I need to be fearless enough to make one simple small action that will create a cascade of effects so we move forward.
And so when we recognize this, when enables us to do is it enables us to sit down and spend a small amount of time tapping knowing that if we clear a little bit, its good, and if we just open the door a little bit, it’s going to make it so we have space to make a new choice.
So the beginning, a tapping round like that and you can tap with me. It’s as simple as this. I give myself permission to know that as I tap today, I’m not going to knockout the entire issue. I give myself permission to know that as I tap today, everything might not be cleared up and that’s okay. I give myself permission as I tap today to know that I’m simply trying to clear enough resistance and enough fear to make one small step to move me closer to my goal, the outcome I want. And if I do this, I know that I’m going to be closer to my goal when I started and its going create a cascade and a domino effect of actions that are going to lead me quickly to where I want to be.
I don’t need to do it all at once. I don’t need to do it all right now. I don’t have to do it in a profound way. I simply have to be open to allow a small of healing right now which is going compound itself through my day and every single time in the future when I sit down to tap.
And it’s really that simple. If you open yourself up to the fact that a little transformation is enough to make big things happen and enough tapping right now is better than no tapping right now and its going to make a huge difference in the way you move forward.
For Tapping Q and A, this Gene Monterastelli. I want to encourage you to check out all our free instructional videos at and also check out the hundreds of other free resources we have. Have a great day!