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Video Transcript
Hi! This is Gene Monterastelli, the Editor of and welcome to another Tapping Ninja video. We call them Tapping Ninja videos because these are simple small techniques that you could add to your tapping protocol to make your transformation and your work more effective and last longer.
Today what I’d like to offer you is the most important question I ask myself and the question that I ask my clients. The question is simply this, how is it working for you? Now this can be applied in two ways. First we can apply to the work that we’re doing with tapping or any other protocol and second, it can be applied to the choices that we’re making in our daily life.
Now when it comes to looking at the way that we do work, tapping is something that’s really, really malleable, it’s something that we can try in lots of ways, it’s something that we can add protocols to. We can add NLP. We can add guided imagery. There’s lots of things that we can do. And so the question comes, what am I suppose to do and how am I suppose to use it? Well, it’s very simple. How is it working for you?
You can try a new tapping technique. You can try a new protocol in under 60 seconds. Maybe if you’re really uncomfortable saying the phrases and the words out loud when you’re tapping, and maybe you want to give yourself a pass and you want to do it quietly in your head because you know that that might work. Well, how is it working for you?
Now you do that for 15 minutes or you do it for a single round of tapping, when you’re done, how does it compare to your normal tapping? Did make it easier? Did you make more success? Were you more comfortable because you weren’t having to say uncomfortable things out loud? If that’s the case, great, it worked for you. But it’s also possible because you haven’t said anything out loud, you’re not tuning in as sharply as you once did because to create words requires a certain level of focus. And so it might be more comfortable while tapping, but the amount of progress you make just disappears, so it’s not really working for you.
So when you’re looking at a new way to tap or something that’s going to make it more comfortable, how is it working for you?
Secondly, the question is really when it comes to looking at our own life. It’s a question I’d like to ask my clients when they’re defending their actions or thinking it’s the best way for them to act. How is it working for you?
If it’s not making any progress, then it’s obviously not working or if it’s keeping stuck, it’s obviously not working. We all know the cliché definition insanity. It’s doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. But often times, we don’t think of the pattern that we’re repeating and so by asking the question, how is it working for you? It’s going to help us to evaluate what really is working and what isn’t.
I’m angry all the time. Well, how is it working for you? When we start to look at what it’s doing, then we can evaluate different opportunities and different chances because we have something to compare it to. But we need to recognize the pattern that’s there in order to change it. And one of the ways to see that is to look at the outcome. How is it working for you? It’s a simple question but if you ask it, it’s going to help you to reframe, you need to recognize the change that needs to happen and I need to dive a little deeper.
For Tapping Q and A, this is Gene Monterastelli. I hope you enjoyed this little tip and hopefully you will come back and join us soon. Bye-bye.
thanks gene, thats a great tip for sure!
I’d love to have a one on one session with you, Gene. Could you send me your timetable for your availability for Feb? Thanks
Good to be guided back to the purpose of all this stuff – making beneficial changes in our lives and how to know that you have.