I am asked all the time by clients, “Do I really have to say ‘I love and accept myself…’ when I am tapping?”
You don’t have to say it. If it doesn’t feel right for you consider this before you abandon it.
To make it easier for you I have created The Random Set-Up Phrase Generator.
Below you will find 10 alternative set up phrases. Reload the page and it will generate 10 more phrases. The generator is built to come up with over 2500 unique phrases.
All you need to do is read the phrase and tap along.
Please add your favorite alternative set up phrases comment section.
10 Randomly Generated Set Up Phrases
I honor myself for wanting better Even though I don’t know what is going to happen to me tomorrow
Even though I am worried it is never going to change I honor myself for trying to heal
I choose to start taking back my power Even though I am worried it is never going to change
Even though I have this issue and I don't know what is causing it I accept myself, I respect myself and I love myself
Even though I have this issue and I am afraid of change I am still a wonderful person
Even though I have this issue I know that I can find healing
I am worthy of better Even though I don't want to forgive the people that ruined my life
I know I can love myself without loving what is going on Even though I'm afraid I this won't work and I'll never be well
Even though I don’t know what is going to happen to me tomorrow I'm beginning to be willing to feel the possibility of loving and accepting myself anyway
I am willing to accept this without judgment Even though I have this issue and my mother always said it is going to be like this
Even though I really don’t think I CAN change this issue, I DEFINITELY accept that I want to change it and am VERY open to the idea of the next step magically appearing.
Even though I don’t think I can change this issue, but every cell of my body wants to, I am open to receiving the next bit of information I need.
Even though it’s been so hard, and it’s been so long, and I can’t even imagine the idea of this issue being gone, I completely love and accept myself and deeply respect my desire for change.
Even though I am never going to get over this and its always going to be painful I accept that it is still a possibility
this is SOOO Amazing, thank you so much for creating this!
Great work Gene, and I am sorry I missed you when you were in NYC hopefully next time you are around, we’ll meet!
Well done!! I could use a generator like that.
This is terrific! Sorry to be so computer illiterate, where is the refresh” button? Thanks!
Mim – on my screen, it’s at the top left, it’s an arrow going in a circle, beside my back arrow & forward arrow.
Great Idea having this here Gene.
Wow! This is very cool Gene. So many of us can benefit from having so many choices just pop up like that! Fantastic.
You mention Steve Wells and I once remember him saying “Even though I have this issue, I love and reject myself” Part of his PET method, I still get a smile out of it. ; )
This is great Gene Thank-you so much
It’s a really great idea and it works well. I like the set up phrases. They are much more varied than the old style of always “I love and accept myself”, though I did eventually manage to get used to that. However “I love and accept myself” is a real barrier for new people.
When I’m working with my physical pain or someone elses I use “Even though I have pain in my __________. I love that I have a _____________. I’m grateful God gave me a _________. Even if I have pain in my ________ I grateful that I have a _____________. Even if the pain never goes away I’m grateful for my _________ anyway.”
I have amazing success in a psychiatric setting with this for pain.
I cringe at the words “punishment I deserve.”
“Even though I have this issue and it is a punishment I deserve”
Other than that, I love it! Great idea.
What a great idea, Gene. Well done indeed!
It is far from perfect with the randomness for sure.
Even though I currently have this issue, I believe that my desire to be free of it will allow me to be free of it. It’s presence no longer serves me and I choose to let it go.
Even though I refuse to get over this issue, because I am justified in feeling this way… I choose to allow my inner wisdom to be my guide.
Fabulous tool, Gene! Thanks for sharing. x
Really creative and useful options you’ve given us here, thanks! Obviously didn’t check out all 2000+ variations but did click several times. I got several suggestions that I will definitely want to utilize for myself and sometimes when I work with others. I will admit my preference in regard to the statements that have the “Even though” on the second line, I don’t find that as powerful as leaving it on the first line. The reason being the second line is the last thing the person is speaking (focusing on) and I find it more powerful and useful to have that be the positive option. Also on a few of the statements the second line was something like “I choose to let the subconscious work it out”. I’d be interested in people’s comments and thoughts re: that. My thought is there may indeed be times when the subconscious does not know how to work it out as it’s already working it out through the patterns (and beliefs) that it has established and is running. That phrase almost seemed like passing the buck, not being in responsible relationship to something that is difficult to heal. I sat with one of those statements for several minutes and felt into the resistence of the part to gain access to an alternate possible phrase and came up with this (as an example of possibility). It’s long, but it also provides specificity that can sometimes be useful.
Even though I have this issue and part of me doesn’t want to heal this
I choose to acknowledge this part with compassion, to let it share with me what it’s afraid of if this issue is healed, and to invite a way for the larger part of me that knows how to heal to bring safety and creative options now
Excellent conception, sometimes we lost on words to relay our message to the emotion
Nice framing, Michael
Thank you so much for these! They are SO powerful and easy to slip my own issues into.
This is amazing Gene! Thank you so much for creating this and sharing! What a brilliant idea. :)
Even though this hurts, I am deeply grateful for the gift. Even though I don’t feel worthy, I accept this gift. Even though I painfully accept the gift of healing, I am profoundly grateful and I love myself deeply and unconditionally.
I love this. I return to it every time I sit at my computer, and click a new list. There is always something I can apply.
I accept the way I am feeling right now, Even though I may not accept and love myself as I am just yet.
Thanks, so much, Gene!
Beautiful! Terrific!
Hi Gene,
Love these variations, it stretches my notions of what and how we can phrase things, and its good exercize for the brain and EFT practice.
I have been substituting something specific that bothers me when the generator says “for this issue”. (eg “even thou I said something to bring Darlene down” ). Is it important to tap ‘the it’ down to zero–or at least try to tap it down to zero?
Thanks Gene!!!
I have made the most amazing discoveries just because I did work through the question “why do I have to say:I truly love myself” I have worked through several traumas.,of which there are too many in my past life, and found that there was no one there to comfort me, so for the first time I found I was bringing love understanding compassion and comfort into those situations, It would not have happened if I had not said that. I also say I truly love my self with the Love God has for us human beings, that helped. Maybe that one sentence is more important to resolve some trauma then anything else. I also could not understand,that after nearly being killed I did not feel anything and behaved as if the person was my best friend.I realized that it was amnesia,part of a reason why women stay in such relationships. It,s also given me more compassion for all people involved. We are where are at the time and change comes hopefully as life goes on. So I really found it very astounding,how the inner situation changed. I wonder,if someone will have time to reply,Would be nice. Thank you,Christina
hello Christine,
it’s been 10 years exactly today since you wrote your comment and I want to thank you for opening my eyes to yet another side of traumatic amnesia.
I sincerely hope you are doing great now and wish you all the best.
Thank you Gene!
You are an incredible person, healer, and coach!
I AM blessed and grateful!
Great idea! And lots of value in other’s comments. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Gene.
I really appreciate these set up phrases and will be using some of them, adapted, to help me and my friends.
Most of them can be used for so many different issues, they are brilliant.
Thank you again.
Eileen. (UK)
I like working with these. I pick and choose, mix them up, change them to fit my situation. It’s great. A brilliant idea. And I like generating new phrases every day to work with too.
Here are other phrases to add to the pot:
Even though I feel hurt and angry . . .
Even though I don’t know how to fix this . . .
Even though I feel so ashamed . . .
Even though I can’t change the past . . .
Even though I made a wrong choice and I can’t change that . . .
Even though I don’t really understand what’s causing this . . .
I deserve love and acceptance right now.
I am worthy of a better situation.
I have learned from my mistakes and am wiser now.
I can begin to let this go now.
I allow myself to feel more comfortable now.
I give myself permission to release the past.
Thanks a lot!
Even though I have no idea why I’m feeling this way, clearly I DO, and I want to accept myself, anyway.
Even though it’s true, I DO feel this way, I’m not sure why, yet. And I do want to accept myself, and ALL my feelings.
Even though I am not sure what this feeling is trying to tell me, I am open to finding out and learning from it. I do accept myself and all my feelings, even those I don’t understand.
This post and reader comments are very helpful!
I would run into a mental block with the “deeply and completely love myself” set-up phrase.
These suggestions are better (more relaxing and releasing) that most I’d come up with myself. Thanks!
What I love about these phrases is that it gives me ideas for my own phrases that are specific to my situation.