[Note From Gene: Here is a great article from Chip Engelmann. It is very easy for us to get caught up in our own story. There are time when I am working with clients in which I can almost hear them hitting play as they start to tell me the pre-recorded message that is their. The issue has moved from just being an issue to the clients identity. Chip explains a nice little three step process to get out of our own story to start the healing.]
![]() photo by Michelle W |
As I have mentioned before, emotions themselves are neither good or bad. They feel good if the thoughts you are thinking are in alignment with how you want your life to be, or they feel bad if you are thinking thoughts about things that you do not want in your life.
Our thoughts create our world. Our emotions tell us whether our thoughts are creating the world we want or not.
It is our thought habits that keep us “stuck.”
That’s right. You can tap until you have furrows, but if you don’t change unwanted habits of thought, your situation will remain what it is. You might feel better for a while, but the more you repeat these thoughts, the more likely you will feel worse again. It might even seem like EFT or Light Tapping isn’t working, but that is not what is happening.
The truth is you are a being of light and love that believes a story.
Your story is another word for your habits of thought. The more you tell an unwanted story about what is “real” for you, the more difficult it will be for you to make a change.
Here are some examples of stories.
- I can never commit to a relationship because my mother abandoned me.
- I was programmed to believe that rich people are evil.
- I have low self-esteem because my father always criticized anything I did.
- I can’t because I’ve been diagnosed with asthma, arthritis, anxiety…
- I’ll never love again.
- I can just look at dessert and it goes straight to my hips.
The stories of themselves are neither good or bad. At some point in your life, you created your story because it felt better to do so. It served you for a while, but now you want a different story. In that way it is very similar to a sentinel. The difference is that while the sentinel is an energetic vibrational field that is emotional in its make-up, a story is an energetic vibrational field that is thought-based.
The good news is you can use meridian tapping to help you release these stories. There are three parts to this process.
1) You appreciate the story for how it has served you.
2) You release your attachment to the story. In previous articles and posts I have commented that different emotions tell us different things. Sadness indicates you have an attachment. So you tap on the sadness of releasing your story.
Even though I am sad to see my [mother abandoned me] story go – it is like an old friend, it kept me safe, it served me well – I deeply and completely accept myself.
3) You release the fear of not having your story around. It is scary to step outside the comfort zone of your story. The story was safe and familiar. You may not like the results you are getting in your life, but at least you are accustomed to them.
Even though I’m afraid to release my [mother abandoned me] story – I’m afraid of how I will feel, I’m afraid I won’t know how to react – I deeply and completely accept myself.
Now thank your story once more and allow it to return to the Source. It should leave completely.
If it does not, ask it what needs to happen before it can leave. There will be some emotion or fear that it is still protecting you from. Tap on this emotion. If you get a vague answer like, “I’m protecting you from yourself,” then ask, “What is it you are afraid I’ll do?”
Continue asking the story what it needs in order to leave, until it is completely gone.
We are always encouraged to look at the details of our problem. Some of us are very good at this, so good in fact, that we might lose the over-arching picture of it all, the way it all ties together; in other words, our story. You have presented the situation beautifully, giving us a useful stepped-out process for release. I especially liked the information that sadness is about attachment. I would appreciate your noting any specific articles and posts about the different things that emotions mean (I must have missed that information). Your article is beautifully edited, too, a pleasure to read, and one I can confidently pass along to others.
Personally very helpful – I know for most of my clients, their story is their identity – its how they explain themselves to me along side the help they are seeking. Your “three steps” procedure is presented in such a clear and thoughtful way, Im sure many clients will be encouraged to question and maybe re-write negative parts of stories . Thank you.
Exactly what I needed to read – hit the nail on the head. Thank you so much.