One of the biggest struggles newcomers have with tapping/Emotional Freedom Techniques(EFT) is coming up with tapping phrases. I learned to find the ‘right’ thing to say by reading lots of scripts and patter written by other practitioners. I found phrases, ideas, and formulas that will make it easier for you to come up with your own.
Recently, I found anther great formula on the late Karen Nauman’s wonderful web site which sadly no longer exists.
Her approach is very simple and can be done in four easy steps:
Step 1 – Truth statement
A truth statement is nothing more than a way of being able to create a 0 to 10 rating for a belief so that we can test to see if we are making progress with each round of tapping. When creating truth statements 10 feels like it is 100% true and of absolute certainty and 0 feels that there is no way it could possibly be true.
Here are a few examples of truth statements:
- I will never be able to loose weight
- I will find the job of my dreams
- I will always be a negative person
There are few things to keep in mind when creating truth statements. First, make sure you are testing something that is a belief and can change. The statements “I am single” and “I am ten pounds overweight” are facts, not beliefs. They might be things that you want to see changed, but most likely you will not see change after just one round of tapping. Whereas “I will be single forever” and “I can loose ten pounds” are beliefs that can change.
Second, remember in which direction you are trying to move your rating. Some truth statements we want to feel more true about while others we want to feel less true. For example, the phase “I will never be able to lose weight” might feel very true when we start (let’s say an ‘eight’), but after a few rounds of tapping it should feel less and less true. On the other hand, “I am going to lose ten pounds” might not feel very true when we start (a rating of ‘two’), but as we tap it feels more and more believable.
Step 2 – The Problem Round Of Tapping
All you need to do is state the details of the problem. You are simply answering the question “Why does the truth statement feel true?” The statement “I am never going to lose ten pounds” might feel true because “I have failed in the past” “I have always been overweight,” and “I don’t have the will power.” This is really the easiest of all the steps. Just say why it is not like the way you would like it to be, and tap.
Step 3 – The Turn Around/Reframe Round of Tapping
In this round of tapping we start to state the possibility and the type of change you would like to see. The way I like to do this is to imagine that I am giving encouragement to a friend who is facing the same problem. These words of encouragement and reframing of the problem will help to clear the issue while we tap.
Step 4 – Affirm and Appreciate Round Of Tapping
Now you state the fact that you are starting to solve the issue and that you appreciate your ability to solve that problem.
Here’s an example of the formula from Karen (used with permission):
Step 1: Get a 0 – 10 ‘truth level’ on this statement: “I will always be a negative person,” with 0 = not true at all and 10 = very true.
Step 2: The Problem
KC – Even though I am a negative person… I deeply and completely accept myself
KC – Even though I focus on what won’t work… I’ve decided to forgive myself
KC – Even though being this way is just who I am… I love and accept myself anyway
TH – I’ve been full of doubt and negativity
EB – To me… the glass *is* always half empty
SE – I see a dark cloud over just about everything!
UE – It always rains on my side of the fence… there are *no* sliver linings on my clouds
UN – Why should I even try to be positive? It’s just not my nature.
CH – Being this way suits me JUST fine!
CB – What if I thrive on doubt?
UA – I just don’t see how I can change my waysTake a deep breath… roll your shoulders, stretch your neck, wiggle your toes. Check your 0-10 ‘truth statement’ level “I will always be a negative person.”
Step 3: The Turn Around – Reframe
KC – Even though I’m starting to realize that my thinking holds me back… I forgive and accept myself anyway
KC – Even though I’m not sure how to be more positive… I choose to be open to new possibilities
KC – Even though I don’t like myself for being this way… I am willing to stop beating myself up
TH – I wonder if I can be a bit easier on myself about this?
EB – I think this unhelpful side of me is ready to shift
SE – I am open to finding a new ways of being
UE – I’ve decided to judge myself less about this issue
UN – I think I’m beginning to open to new possibilities
CH – Maybe I’ll learn to enjoy the rose… instead of looking at the thorns!
CB – In my heart… I really want to change
UA – I’ve decided to consider taking a new path… starting now!Take a deep breath… roll your shoulders, stretch your neck, wiggle your toes. Check your 0-10 ‘truth’ statement level’ “I will always be a negative person.”
Step 4: Affirm and Appreciate – no setup
TH – I am open to becoming a more positive person… even if it’s only just a little
EB – I appreciate having more understanding and patience about myself
SE – I’d like to take this one step at a time
UE – And I feel like I can start to make some changes now
UN – I’m thankful for knowing EFT and look forward to a difference
CH – Maybe this really is a step in the right direction?
CB – I am grateful for my honesty and courage
UA – I love knowing that I can choose where I focus my mind!Take a deep breath… roll your shoulders, stretch your neck, wiggle your toes. Check your 0-10 ‘truth’ statement’ level “I will always be a negative person.”
I love this approach because it gives three different avenues to the heart of your issue and the descriptions of each step make is easier to come up with phrases.
Hi Gene,
I really like the article and your insights around my tapping script formula.
Thank you for featuring my work!
With appreciation and gratitude, Karen
All of which proves that Karl Marx was onto something important about relation of self to society. And that EFT and its kin is way too focused on self and changing it rather than changing society.