Why do you use the term Evolving Emotional Freedom Techniques (EvEFT) instead of Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)?
When Gary Craig introduced EFT to the world I believe he did a very smart thing when chose the name. He called it Emotional Freedom Techniques. Most people don’t notice the “s” on the end of the word techniques, because it seems like one technique.
As far as I can tell Gary did this because he knew EFT would grow and change over time, as it indeed has. Part of the reason Gary has shared EFT with what he calls an “open hand” was to allow this amazing growth to occur easily.
But this has not always been a good thing. Here are Gary’s words:
Over the years, I’ve discovered that this open-handed distribution system has obvious benefits for everyone – but has many significant challenges as well. First, with so many diverse attitudes and abilities among the EFT Community, EFT has been spread in an inconsistent manner. While some of this has simply reflected individual variations and personalities of the presenters, some of it, unfortunately, has been downright unethical or embarrassing. These inconsistencies, if left unattended, will tend to erode EFT’s credibility in the world.
Accordingly, if we are going to maximize the EFT experience for the ultimate good of all, there are some common sense ethical items that need to be observed…In essence, I wish to grant the freedom to ethically practice EFT, give workshops and create organizations, books, films, etc. so long as it is made clear to the public that your EFT activity represents YOUR own ideas, angles, versions, etc. and not necessarily those of Gary Craig or EFT.”
That is why I use the term EvEFT. It represents the fact that this tool set has evolved past Gary’s work and these are my own ideas. That is not to say my ideas are better. They are just my own.
Tapping/EFT Q & A is provided as a public courtesy to help expand the use of EFT in the world. While Gary Craig and EFT encourage such efforts, they cannot evaluate or endorse the multitudes of them that exist. Thus this website represents the good faith ideas of its founders but not necessarily those of Gary Craig or EFT.
EFT is a very flexible improvement tool that can be used for just about everything. I am using my version of it here and have had extraordinary results and urge you to contact me for more. The original version and complete training can be found at http://www.emofree.com
it is true. energy therapies are evolving quickly to meet the demand for problems which are also quite a lot.