I asked Catherine if she would answer this question by creating a list of issues, by color, that we could pay attention to when we are doing EFT on ourselves or with a client. Below you will find her response on (in her words) “how to listen to what the body needs”.
[This article is by Catherine Poole. Catherine is a medical intuitive who has spent decades studying and teaching color theory. In this article she explores what each color represents when it comes to healing. At the end of this article there is a short audio which shows you how to combine color with EFT. Catherine is available for private readings (which can be done in phone sessions) and can be contacted at http://CatherinePoole.com/.]
Base/Red Energy
What do they talk about?
Do they complain about family, their church, their government? Parents (living or dead)? Childhood? Job? Money?
Parts of the body or dysfunction:
- Foundation/Solids
- Any system or organ that relates to solids can be affected when one gives too much of this base energy away or they are attracting too much to them.
- Arthritis
- Hemorrhoids
- Constipation
- Teeth
- Joints
- Muscles
- Bones
- Legs
- Weight
- Lower Back
- ED
Sacral/Orange Energy
What do they talk about?
Do they complain about one particular person that “ticks them off”? Are they emotional? Afraid? Resentful? Guilty? Do they have sexual issues? Mother issues? Daughter/Son issues? Sibling issues?
Parts of the body or dysfunction:
- Kidneys, Urethra, Bladder
- Lower Back
- Reproductive System
- Lymphatic System
- Circulatory w/Heart Center
- ED/Impotence/Frigidity
- Endometriosis
- Infertility
- Cysts/Cancer
- Allergies
- Bedwetting (incontinence)
- Crohn’s Disease
- Diarrhea
- Lymph glands (Hodgkin’s, Swollen)
- Kidney Stones
- Lupus
- Breast Cancer (also Heart Chakra)
- Compromised Immune System
Solar Plexus/Yellow Energy
What do they talk about?
Do they consistently apologize? Choose to “not make waves”? Are they always “tired” of something? Depressed? Confused? Feel that others control their life? Always worried? “I’m afraid”
Parts of the body or dysfunction:
- Represents element of fire: how we burn energy.
- Stomach
- Pancreas, gall bladder
- Small intestine
- The sugar level in our blood relates to the amount of sweetness and love in our lives.
- There is a great desire for affection and love, yet an inability to know how to act if it is received.
- This gives rise to anger and resentment, a blaming of others for our own inner fear and confusion in dealing with love.
- Acne (low self esteem)
- Anorexia (rejection)
- Bulimia (abandonment)
- Blood Cell Disorders (not worth living)
- Crohn’s Disease (gripping fear)
- Diabetes (sweetness)
- Obesity (ashamed)
- Agoraphobia
- Adrenal Gland Challenges (fight or flight)
- Indigestion (can’t stomach life)
- Back Pain (5th-11th Dorsal Vertebrae)-material
- Nausea (worry)
- Motion Sickness (control)
- Ulcer (no control)
Heart /Green Energy
What do they talk about?
Are they fearful of relationships? Letting go, being free? getting hurt? being abandoned? Family members getting hurt? Do they “hate” things? Do they need constant reassurance? (always ask if everything is “OK”?)
Parts of the body or dysfunction:
- Element of Air anything that flows.
- Heart
- Lungs
- Esophagus/Trachea
- Arteries/Blood
- Immune System: thymus, lymph glands
- Asthma (take on too much)
- Upper Back and Neck (stop being the emotional support for others)
- Cancer
- old (easily influenced by external forces)
- Cough (easily irritated)
- Hiccups (enough is enough, gain control)
- Snoring (repressed your “noise” during the day)
- Blood Disorders: urgent message that you need a profound shift in self-image
- High cholesterol (arteriosclerosis)
- High Blood Pressure
Throat /Blue Energy
What do they talk about?
Do they often say “to tell you the truth”? Do they “uhm”? Are they shy? Quiet? Inconsistent? Unreliable? Manipulative? Have trouble expressing their thoughts? Clear their throat? Persistent cough? Use words associated with talking, hearing, listening?
Parts of the body or dysfunction:
- Any organ that involves communication.
- Ears/Mouth/Throat
- Thyroid/Parathyroid
- Hearing Loss
- Inner Ear (off balance)
- Vertigo/Meniere’s Dis-ease
- Ear Infections
- Lip Biting
- TMJ (anger, resentment, revenge)
- Teeth (defensive, fear of wrong decisions)
Third Eye/Indigo and Violet Energy
What do you talk about?
Are they undisciplined? Oversensitive to the feelings of others? Read too much into things? Other examples are authoritarian personalities, “egomaniacs” are opinionated visionaries, there is an imbalance between higher self and ego self. Nightmares and night terrors as well as overactive imaginations can create deficiencies in this area.
Parts of the body or dysfunction:
- Pineal Gland
- Third Eye
- Eyes
- Sinuses
- Nose
- Nose: Represents Self Recognition
- Sinus (Irritation to one person)
- Nose Bleeds (Recognition)
- Snoring (also with green and blue)
Crown/All (White) Energy
What do they talk about?
Do they talk about feeling hopeless? Or a relationship being hopeless? Lack joy? Refer to someone or something as “a headache”? Are they constantly frustrated and can’t make decisions? Saying “I don’t know”?
Parts of the body or dysfunction:
- Corresponding Organs
- Crown of the Head
- Pituitary Gland
- Brain
- Only place on the body where bone (foundation) covers tissue rather than tissue covers bone.
- White energy represents the capacity to process
- Autism
- Coma (escape, fear of something, someone)
What if you don’t know what color to bring?
Still confused on what color you might want to add to your EFT? The body knows what you need. Trust its wisdom. Here is a simple way to make sure you get the right color.
- Would you like to have a version of this audio you can download, burn to a CD or load on your mp3 player? Buy it here
- You can hear a full version of the teleclass Catherine gave here: Color, Disease, and EFT
This is a great Podcast and article I loved imagining the colors covering my body. I immediately felt better in my body and mind.
Thank you for this article