One of the most important parts of the Tapping Action Journal is the instruction to spend time writing down notes at the end of each tapping session on what just happened.
You are encouraged to write down:
- what surprised you
- what you learned
- any insights you gained
- any tailenders you unearthed
Tailenders are the responses our subconscious mind gives at the tailend of a tapping phrase.
For example, I could tap on “I am going to make at least five new sales this week.” As soon as I tap on that phrase, my subconscious would respond with “No you are not. You failed before and are going to fail again!”
In other words, tailenders are your subconscious mind’s rebuttal to what you are saying and tapping on.
I love tailenders because they tell us exactly what subconscious resistance is standing in our way of moving forward and they provide a road map for what to tap on next.
Last week, one of my students asked the question “I know I am supposed to tap on tailenders, but how exactly do I do that?”
In this week’s podcast I share a simple four-step approach to choosing the right tailender to tap for next, and how to tap for that issue.
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This is so helpful! Thank you!