There are days when our ability to focus just doesn’t come naturally. It can be hard because of what is going on in our lives, what is going on in the world, or how we are feeling at the time.
Today we are going to tap to help us feel more grounded and focused.
Thanks for taking part in the November 30-Day Tapping Challenge!
Don’t forget to sign up to receive daily reminders so that you don’t miss a day of tapping.
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Good one!!!
I love this because something came up for me while tapping along. A deep sense of FOMO or worse, FODAB (Fear of Dropping a Ball), came over me. I realized am truly worried that if I allow myself to give my attention fully to one thing, that I will miss an important email. Or I might forget about some other equally important task, or just not have enough time to do it. It can be very paralyzing but this session at least pulled that anxiety out into the light where I can deal with it. Thank you!