When I am asking my clients why they have made certain past choices, they often say something like, “I don’t know. I just had this gut feeling.” OR “I just had this sense of intuition that it was the right thing to do.”
I know exactly what this sensation feels like because I experience it all the time when I am working with clients and also when I am making decisions about my life.
But I don’t believe in intuition – well, at least not in the way most people understand it.
When we define our intuition as something mysterious or magical that’s somehow beyond our understanding, I believe we undermine what is really happening and prevent ourselves from getting the most out of these feelings.
This week I share with you:
- What I believe intuition actually is
- How to get the most out of it
- How to cultivate it so that is even more powerful
I realize that I am flying in the face of convention on this one and I’d love to hear your thoughts on my interpretation of intuition in the comments below.
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Great explanation. This is how I feel about ‘intuition’ also. Information our energy field is picking up from another person/event or in relation to a question or decision that shows up in various ways for us that has no logical explanation other than “I felt it”. I agree that ‘insights’ about another person is what our energy field is picking up from theirs which shows up in various ways for us, and that if we take notice of, will strengthen and become more perceivable.
You’ve done a great job of describing what I’ve always felt about intuition, as well. As a parent, I taught my daughter to use the term “inner guidance,” because I wanted her to recognize that the miraculous answers came from within rather than outside her. I also tried to highlight for her times when I sensed other people’s energies so she could learn to attune to that, as well. For example, I might say, “I’m suddenly feeling very angry! Is that coming from you?” And that opened the door to both acknowledging the skill of sensing others as well as talking about what was happening to her, if she so chose. All that to say, we can not only develop our own skills, but we can help our children do the same.
Thanks for sharing this, Gene!
Thanks Gene, this is well thought out, practical and very well put. You really have the knack of presenting these gems that make the life of a tapper much easier and more effective. Thanks once again. Your Podcasts have helped a lot of people and are extremely valuable to me.