Back in the first week of January I sent you an email telling you about the first podcast of the year. As a PS I mentioned that because it was my birthday I was offering a deal on one-on-one tapping sessions.
Every week people join my mailing list and people leave my mailing list. During the unsubscribe process my mailing list software offers the opportunity to submit feedback and let me know why you are unsubscribing.
Most people don’t write anything, but from time to time there is useful feedback, which I appreciate.
After making the birthday offer this is the note that someone wrote as they unsubscribed:
I can’t see how anyone can justify charging for tapping. I can get the same results from youtube videos. I hate that there are such greedy people in this world capitalizing off the sadness and sorrows of vulnerable people. Karma is all I can say.
In looking through my records I realized that I haven’t sent an email explaining why exists since 2015 (which feels like a lifetime ago).
Prompted by that comment, I think it is a good idea to make sure that we are on the same page.
There are three reasons why I run the website, record podcasts, create videos, and send you emails just like this one.
Reason #1: To Provide Good, Useful Content
My hope is that every time I add a resource to TappingQ&A, you will find it helpful. That it will help you understand your issues in a new way and help you to grow your tapping skill set. I know that not everything I create will be useful for everyone on my list.
My aim is to listen to you, my readers, so that I am covering the topics that are most useful. If there is a topic that I haven’t yet covered that you would find helpful, just reply to this message and let me know.
Reason #2: I Learn In The Creative Process
Running the website has been an amazing learning experience for me. I have had the chance to interview some of the brightest minds in change work and there have been countless occasions when I have written a post and then thought, “Wow! I didn’t realize I believed that.”
Having to think about what serves you every week helps me to learn more and grow. I am so much healthier and happier because of this website. It means the world to me that you read, listen, and watch what I have created. AND at the exact same time I wonder if I am learning more than you.
Reason #3: To Grow My Business
Yes, this is in fact a business and my livelihood. The only way I am able to create so much free content for the site is because I also earn money from selling products and services. Most weeks I spend over five hours working on the free content I offer and that wouldn’t be possible if this were just my hobby.
The nice thing about the way I have built my business is that its viability depends upon only a very small percentage of my readers. In most cases when I offer something for sale fewer than 1% of my readers buy it.
That means the odds are that you have never bought anything from me AND that is perfectly fine.
I hope at some point in the future you find an offering that works for you. Until that happens, keep enjoying the free content.
More great stuff is coming
I have no plans to stop. I will keep creating free articles, podcasts, and videos. If 2020 goes according to plan, by the end of the calendar year there will be over 1000 free resources on the website.
The good thing is you can control whether or not you hear from me. If at any point you no longer want to receive these emails because they are not serving you, all you have to do is click unsubscribe at the top or bottom of the email.
You will never receive another message from me again.
I don’t want to send you emails unless you want to receive them. I am actually happy when people unsubscribe because it means they are controlling their time and what is coming into their inbox.
Thanks for being a reader
It is amazing to think that all of this started from a free blog I hosted in my spare time! I have learned so much from my clients and readers and gained many friends along the way. My life is so much better because TappingQ&A exists.
Please continue to let me know how I can keep serving you in the future. As I mentioned above, the easiest way to reach me is to hit reply to a note like this one.
PS: I have extended the birthday offer through the end of January. You can get a one-on-one sessions with me for over 40% if you use the coupon code “birthday” at checkout. You can purchase time with me here:
Would love to get your emails, Gene. Thanks!