The basics of tapping are so simple that they can be taught in mere minutes.
But just because tapping is simple, doesn’t mean that effective tapping is easy. There is so much more to it than knowing the tapping points.
In this short audio I explain three simple ideas to keep in mind before you tap to help you to get the most out of your tapping sessions. Each of the three ideas comes with a short tap-along to help you execute them.
I would love to hear how this works for you. Let me know your results down in the comment section.
You can find the full tapping script as a pdf of this audio over at Tapping Q and A Podcast Scripts and Transcripts.
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This podcast was AWESOMELY helpful. I am one of those people who tend to drive themselves crazy needing to know why. It was very freeing to tap on this. THANK YOU VERY MUCH, you are great combination of intuitive, realistic, and practical; and your valuable information is delivered in a very “absorbable” style and format. Are you going to have a transcript of this available, or at least an outline, it would provide a most helpful tool for healing.
I think those 3 ideas are really useful. They take EFT to another level, moving it beyond the obsession with finding a particular moment that triggers problems. It’s quite true that you can’t always know why or when a particular problem started. As you say, it may have been a particular aspect of your community. For instance, many people have got into the habit of eating super sized quantities of food because that’s the way food is served in restaurants now. And the healing of that habit may be a gradual process rather than just one moment of insight that changes everything. Thanks, Gene, for those helpful ideas.
Thanks Gene for explaining these points and the process so clearly. Over the many years I have been involved with EFT, enough practitioners have said similar things, but the way they explained it had left me feeling I would be cheating on the ‘proper’ process, so would not be so successful, even though I had helped others and seen it work! This subtle lack of confidence will have affected my energy and probably did effect the level of success of some of the healing processes I have been involved with.
What I have now realised is how deeply engrained early memories (up to say 24 years old, I am now 60), of being told in a critical way that I did things too easily, so was lazy and so could not be going things properly. These doubts in my abilities persisted despite the fact that I became a senior manager in a large organisation and was praised by my managers and customers as I delivered on new projects and initiatives.
I had began to let go of these deeper beliefs over the last few years, but I felt your explanation helped me make a very significant step further in this letting go process. I’m very excited to see how this impacts on my life from now on! Thank you again Gene.
And thank you again universe for sending me this message at the time when I was really open to receiving it.
Love Amer x
Hmm, another great advice. I have to think this through, as the attachment to our stories, as the causal events for future issues is quite complex.
Sometimes we tell ourselves stories to satisfy the need for “knowing of root cause”, as you discuss in #2. Or, we just want to believe a story as an excuse for having a problem, in which case clearing this association might heal us.
Giving ourselves permission to let go of the story is not the same as actually letting go of the story. The story might be incorrect, but it may just be right. It’s still good to approach the story with an open mind and clear its potential effect, because if we made up the story, it happened for a reason. Which might be the very reason a part of us holds onto the problem.
But eventually, being able to let go of this story breaks down self-sabotage and the problem might collapse.
Thank you, Gene! That is so helpful. I’ve gotten stuck in the why and the exact event. Thank you for the podcast!
Thanks Gene,
These are 3 very helpfull points.
I will try them out. And get back to you with the results.
Best Regards
Thank you. Good to be reminded of how impatient we can be – and “impatience is resistance to learning” (think Louise Hay’s words). This preparation is very important and I’m sure will make tapping even more effective.