We all know that tapping is a powerful tool when we are in pain, distress, and discomfort. Did you know it can also be a useful tool when we are celebrating success?
The reason for this is because it is common to feel a number of negative emotions at the exact same time as feeling happy and successful. It is possible to feel:
- That we are not worthy of success
- Uncomfortable in the spotlight of attention that success can bring
- Under pressure to always be successful
- Anxious that our success was just down to luck and people will find out that we are an imposter
- That it’s greedy or immodest to crave success and we should keep our head down and work harder
If any of these feelings are present, when we feel successful we will subconsciously want to avoid success in the future.
Here is a simple tap-along audio that will help you get comfortable with feeling successful and allow for more success in future. A full tapping script of the audio can be found below the player.
I’m glad I have this moment for celebration…I’m glad that I’ve been successful…I appreciate all of the effort that I put into this success…I appreciate all the time that I put into making this happen…I’m glad I’ve had this success…It is appropriate for me to celebrate the success…Even though I understand intellectually I should be celebrating my success…It is possible that I have subconscious beliefs…About how success is bad and how celebration is wrong…There might be a part of me that is afraid…That since I’ve had this level of success…I always have to achieve this level of success…That this new success has become the new standard…I appreciate the fact that standards change…I’m glad that I’m consistently striving for more…I appreciate the fact that just because I have achieved this now does not mean I have to achieve this forever…This is a moment in time that demonstrates what is possible…What is possible does not become the new standard…I give myself permission to continue to have success…Without creating unrealistic expectations for the future…I also recognize that my success means people will notice that I’m having success…There’s a part of me that doesn’t like that sort of attention…There’s a part of me that just wants to do the work…That wants to invest my time in what is important and move on to the next thing…I know this success is about me and what I’m getting from it…I’m not doing it for the attention…Any attention I receive does not impact that success…I give myself permission to focus on the success…I give myself permission to focus on what I have achieved and what I get for that achievement…Which gives me the opportunity to build more success in the future…There also might be a part of me that doesn’t feel worthy of this success…It believes others deserve this success more…It sees others who have worked hard and not had the same success…It might even believe that this success is some lucky fluke that has nothing to do with me…And since it has nothing to do with me…I shouldn’t have the success…I recognize the fact that I was made for success…I recognize the fact that I was built for success…I see how my success serves other people…I see how my success allows me to keep moving forward…I give myself permission to accept and enjoy my success…To use my success to build upon…To know that this is not a fluke…To know that my success does not mean I am stealing someone else’s opportunity…I give myself permission to allow success to happen again…To know that I’m worthy of this success…To know I’m worthy of celebrating the success.
This gave me a wonderful sense of joy and peace, Thank you Gene x
This is exactly what I need to focus my Tapping on! Thank you for are you proved! Look forward to each weeks new content, Topics are always very relevant.
Gene, I want to thank you for this “fear of success” tapping experience. The self-sabotaging thoughts that you mention are all a part of my limiting belief set. It’s as if you were reading my mind! I am an EFT Practitioner and therapist, and you do a wonderful job of voicing our collective unconscious. Thank you for your talent and enthusiasm for your work! I will be listening to this and others in this series again and again!