My favorite phrase that I hear from my clients when we are in the middle of a session is “this probably has nothing to do with it, but…” and then they share some story that seems unconnected. We usually find that a story coming out of left field like this has everything to do with it.
It never ceases to amaze me how much we carry our past into each moment of our lives and how much that past impacts us. I have spoken to a number clients in the last few weeks who have felt that they weren’t worthy of something good in the present because of a poor choice they made in the past.
It is important that we take responsibility for our choices, but that does not mean that we have to remain a prisoner to our choices for all time. Here is a tap-along to help you face those past choices of which you are not proud.
Jewel Neave says
Thank You and Blessing on you Gene for being so vulnerable with your life lessons and sharing.
Diana says
I accepted a promotion opportunity that I believe now was a mistake and I’ve been beating myself up over it ever since. This couldn’t have been more timely.
thank you,
Belina says
Awesome. This made my day!
Caron Harris says
This was solid! Very useful as a practice of self-care, I think. Thanks for sharing what you do to help yourself. I can definitely use at least some of it in my own practice, and am grateful for this new resource.
Ster says
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I cried during this tapping. There is so much I have done/chosen wrong in my life. And indeed it feels like being a prisoner of these choices!
Sharon Goodbody says
Gene thank you for sharing this. It was one that I really related to.
With your help, i have come a long way. i am grateful to be one of your clients.
Keep doing what you’re doing.
Tina says
This is the first tapping session I have used from your podcast. I have been struggling with this for a long time. I am interested to see how or if this shifts.
Thanks for the resource!
Kristine says
Wow…I think we all have to face up to the consequences of our past choices! We blame ourselves, we blame circumstances, we blame others…but self-blame is the hardest to deal with in my opinion. We should have known better!! We put ourselves in this position.
Consequently , the feeling of deserving our suffering ensues, persists, and we carry around this bag of misery in our minds and hearts.
Thanks for this episode. I think it allows us to have HOPE that we can change, that we can forgive ourselves, that we can actually move forward and stop the low-level blame that is always in the background.
Thanks Gene!