In my own life I have found that my level of confidence has less to do with how good I am at something and much more to do with how comfortable I am with myself at a given moment.
I think it is a mistake to believe that all we need to do is get better at something to be more confident. In reality confidence is all about who we allow to be the judge our success.
No matter how good we are we will not feel confident if we judge success based on what others think.
This week we tap to shift mentally how we see our actions moving from judging our success based on other’s interpretation of events to our own.
WOW! I’ve been tapping with you for a short time,(a month or two) and I have to say this particular podcast really opened my eyes to what I’ve been thinking about others and myself. When I was tapping along, all those at work that I think are judging me came up. I teach art to middle school students which can be rough at times. My administration pops in almost daily because of student behavioral issues or so I think. Often times I think/believe that the students are judging me. Actually, they tend to blatantly tell me things they don’t like about my class. The thing is, I know they are a reflection of how I’m feeling about myself in the moment. So anyway, Thank you so much for all that you are doing to help others. I will tap on this each day before school so I can stand confidently before my students and admin. Again, Thank you, Linda