Even though we don’t consciously remember coming into this world, we are fully conscious in utero and at the time of our birth. Because we are conscious, these experiences contribute to how we build models of the world that impact the way we live our daily lives.
In this interview Sharon King shares how Matrix Reimprinting (a tool set that uses tapping) can be used to help clear these unconscious memories.
Guest: Sharon King
Contact: web @ MagicalNewBeginnings.com/; twitter @SharonEFT; Facebook @ Sharon King; YouTube @ channel
About: Sharon has worked for a number of years specializing in the birth experience, and how it affects our emotional health during our childhood and adult life. She went on to develop the Matrix Birth Reimprinting protocols which became a foundational cornerstone in a self-help technique called Matrix Reimprinting and currently trains other practitioners worldwide. Sharon leads the field in this area, and her techniques are published in the book Matrix Reimprinting Using EFT, which is was released by publishing giants Hay House in August 2010 and she is currently writing her own book Heal Your Birth, Heal Your Life: Tools to Transform Your Experience of Birth and Create a Magical New Beginning.
This is fabulous, I was just introduced to BodyTalk, so it was neat to see how it ties into tapping. You can tell she is very passionate about her work. I am so glad there are people out there like her.
Bless you Laura, thank you for your lovely comments.. and yes I am rather passionate about my work :-)