The human memory is incredibly complex. As our understanding of the workings of the brain grows it is increasingly evident that the human memory can be very unreliable.
Even when we have total confidence in a memory we could be mistaken.
On some level most people are aware that their memory is fallible. This can cause clients anxiety when what feels like a new memory shows up in a tapping session.
These may have been repressed or they may also be false memories.
In this conversation with Sophia Cayer we discuss the nature of memory and how to respond to a memory that might be false.
![]() Sophia Cayer |
Guest: Sophia Cayer
Contact Sophia: web @; web @
About Sophia Cayer: An EFT Founding Master, Sophia has been devoted to a full-time EFT practice and teaching EFT for more than 12 years. Specializing in trauma and abuse, she is well-known for her ability to resolve core issues and, with EFT, for helping clients to reshape their lives and gain a level of comfort with their new “norm”. For more than 22 years she has been dedicated to helping clients define and generate the solutions to resolve challenges and achieve their goals.
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