This week’s podcast sponsored by Pain Relief Miracle.
One of the biggest mistakes I see people make with tapping is not spending enough time on an issue to make sure that it is completely cleared.
Because tapping brings relief so quickly in the moment it is easy to feel like we are done with the issue but in reality that’s often not the case.
A good way to think of it is to compare it to cleaning a room. While you are cleaning you feel great about the progress you are making. You feel satisfied with a job well done.
Then you leave the room and when you return you realize it wasn’t was clean as you thought to begin with. It is not that the room got messier, but when you were cleaning the room you could see that it was so much better than before.
Upon returning you were no longer comparing it to how bad it was, but instead you are seeing it for what it is.
The same thing happens when we tap. While tapping we are only comparing our current state to what we just moved through, but we don’t always have a clear picture if we have done enough.
In this week’s podcast I share how we can know if we are 100% (and if we even need to be 100% clear).
No need to respond. Just to let you know, your honesty about yourself creates a very strong motivational appetite.
I very much appreciate all that you do for fellow “tappers”.
I was sorry that the “thumb drive” didn’t happen the way that we all would have liked for it to. But that does not change the admiration we all have for you and all the good work you do.
Keep on!