![]() photo by Alberto G. |
One of my favorite parts of working with clients is watching them work through the process of learning that they can have better, that it can happen sooner rather than later, and that they can make conscious choices every day to move towards that better life.
Over time my clients go from needing help from me to doing lots of work on their own between sessions.
As this happens they gain skill at finding the root causes of the symptoms they are experiencing in their daily lives.
Finding root causes to our issues is an important skill to develop. When we are able to knock out the root causes not only are we dealing with the symptom that we are experiencing right now, but we are also clearing the issue so that it doesn’t come back again.
But there are times when looking for the root cause will actually hold up the healing process and lead to self-sabotage. What happens is that we get so focused on finding the root cause we can’t see the wood for the trees!
Sometimes there just isn’t a root cause or we don’t have the right tool to find it. If we continue to focus only on looking for the root cause we will become frustrated by our lack of progress and might even feel worse emotionally as a result.
When this happens I like to tap on the idea that I don’t need to find the root cause in order to heal. The tapping goes something like this:
There is a part of me that knows there is often a root cause to my issues…And I know that if I am able to find the root cause it will help me to heal faster…There is a part of me that really wants to find that root cause…And because I want to find the root cause so badly…I might be pressing too hard…But when I press too hard I sometimes miss what I am looking for…I give myself permission to know that it is possible to heal this without knowing the root cause…I can find relief even if I never know why this is the way it is…I can be free of this just by tuning into the symptoms that are there…I am also willing to accept that sometimes there isn’t just one reason why…Sometimes there are issues that have lots of small aspects that have added up to create the whole…And there is no way that I will ever know…And that is OK…I don’t have to know to heal…I can heal without knowing…As nice as it would be to know the root cause…Relief is more important…And I can have lasting relief without ever knowing the root cause.
After tapping like this we will have one of two results.
1) We will feel relaxed about not knowing the root cause. This will improve our mood and help the process. We will feel better when we can let go of the worry about doing it right or getting it solved right now.
2) We will find the information we are looking for. It is an odd thing, but there have been countless times when I have been tapping where I will say something like, “I am OK not knowing the answer right now,” and in the very next moment the information that I am looking for comes right to mind.
Either way it is a win. You will either feel better and at peace or you will have the information you need.
The next time you can’t find the root cause you can relax. Tap for the idea that you don’t need to identify the root cause and you will open yourself up to new avenues for healing.
If you would like to expand the number of creative ways you know to uncover root causes please check out the Ruach Center. Some of the best tools I know can be found there.
This is great, Gene, as always. A metaphor for that “looking too hard” is like when I crack an egg into a bowl and a piece of the shell gets in there. Each time I try to push the shell against the bowl to remove it, it slips away. The harder I try, the more it slips away. But when I relax and gently focus…I got it!
I don’t have to know where the Jewel Mint was grown to enjoy it’s healing properties, just like I don’t have to know precisely where the Poison Ivy plant was that inflamed my skin.
All I have to know is that there is an issue and that there is a way to fix it.
I agree on trying too hard to find the root cause because sometimes the root cause is hiding in plain sight and thus you cannot see it. By releasing the need to find the root cause, you allow your intuition to help you out.
Gene, I like to alternate among the energy psychology modalities and this reminded me a lot of the Radomski/Altaffer Ask and Receive protocol. There is a part of my Being that already knows… I really liked this one. Thanks.
Gene, as always, a much needed topic, especially for pseudo scientists like me that need healing for a condition and find it difficult to stop pestering for resolution – my way. Peaceful is better.