For me, the most painful and debilitating emotion is when I feel ashamed of something I have done wrong.
When I feel ashamed, it is because I know I could have done better or I chose the wrong path. Many times I know the right thing to do and still choose the wrong thing. That produces a lot of feeling ashamed!
And as I hate feeling ashamed, I limit my risk. I don’t take chances. Because if I don’t take chances then I can’t make poor choices. And if I can’t make poor choices then I avoid feeling ashamed.
This emotional state is the most powerful source of self sabotage in my life.
A few weeks ago I woke up on a Saturday morning and decided I need to tap for feeling ashamed. This video is the result.
Feel free to tap along with me:
If you would like guidance in helping you to tap regularly come over to
I acknowledge you and Thank You for this tapping video on sham.
It’s funny how this emotion pops up now and then, especially when it feels like you have it covered.
I am SO grateful to you, and all of your efforts to help me to Stop Self Sabotage!
Your ability to share and be with people without apparent “judgement” of any kind is HUGE for me…Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Thank you for this.
Gene, thank you! When I first had these emotional sore throats and was almost unable to swallow when I tapped I couldn’t make sense of it. Glad to see that it is something that comes up when we are actually accessing one layer of the onion. Shame and self-love, self-acceptance are my rather subconscious issues. I didn’t know, but this comes up when I tap. I am new tapping so peeling the onion layer by layer. Thank you so much for your website and resources. Rock on, Gene.
Thank you Gene, for being so vulnerable. You are always so authentic in all you do. Shame is so powerful and pervasive. I’ve been doing a ton of tapping myself on this issue, as I WAS SHAME when I was born (or at least that’s the message I got). Shame is the single most devastating emotion I have. had Tapping has helped me to begin to shine a loving light on that dark place, and give the shame the attention it’s crying out for. I love how you encourage us to go into the emotion – just feel it, so we can tap on all the aspects. Thanks again!
Beautiful Gene. Thank you!
I love the EFT daily concept! Did not realize this was what these emails were about. I have a friend who is a photographer who took a picture of herself every day…she took some amazing photos and grew a lot as a photographer. Frankly I like this idea even better, something I can do that will help me grow, along with you and others, to be a better self. Thanks for going public with this! Looking forward to more.
Wow! That hit home for me on a couple of things that all relate to “Security” and “Self preservation”. Thanks for sharing your vulnerability with us Gene!
Gene, thank you, thank you, thank you for your honesty, openness, and willingness to be so vulnerable in the service of teaching us and helping us become better, happier human beings. I have already sent the link of your video to several of my clients and all agree “Powerful!”
I totally relate to the self-sabotage. In tapping to clear blocks to my weight loss goals, I realized I was protecting myself with fat because at some point I felt I had used my body for impurity or evil, and I was protecting myself from feeling all that shame again. I will be using your video daily to help me clear that shame. Thank you :)
Thanks Gene
I agree with all the above . Much appreciation to you
Thank you SO MUCH! I had no idea I was carrying all of that around. There is still more work to be done, but like you said, it’s a starting place. Thank you for being YOU and sharing with all of us! Have an awesome rest of the week!!
Thanks for this video. It is something I am struggling with, It has helped a lot and I’m turning back to EFT for help as it does make a difference.
Thank You Gene, we all have regrets. Your tapping helped me.
As always Gene, your work resonates. I appreciate your integrity, it keeps me focused, motivated and moving forward.
Dear Gene,
Thankyou for this (and everything else). This is one of finest tap-alongs on shame possible, alongwith a fine understanding of guilt (keeping others in a victim state? SO MINDBLOWING), blame and shame and I send you much gratitude and a prayer for your happiness, health and wealth. Am using this and forwarding it :)
Sunshine, N
I appreciate all your work.
Wow. Thank you for showing up so candidly. Seeing an expert reveal his/her own truth in real time is so powerful. Also was helpful to hear the underlying thoughts/fears beneath the decisions you made that caused you to feel shame. Our thoughts and then actions happen so quickly it’s often difficult to know what is reallygoing on underneath our choices and reactions at the time. Slowing things down, taking some deep breaths and tapping to feel and reveal is truly life-changing. Big, big thank you. We see you!
P.s. Researcher Brene Brown has done some interesting work on shame. If anyone is interested, you can check out her TedX talks. She is sharp as a whip as funny as can be.
Thank you for video re shame. I’ll be returning to it to clear more and appreciate what I experienced as I tapped along with you…
I will be check out your year of tapping and joining you. Eternal Blessings,
Jo Ann
Hi, Gene, I found this tapping routine on your site, after suffering another shame attack relating to public speaking. I think the shame I am writing about is a little different from the one you have done the routine for, and wonder if you could do a routine for the kind of shame that was instilled at an early age by thoughtless parents, teachers and other children – what we would now recognise as a type of bullying. The things you included which did strike a chord were “powerful”, “self sabotage”, and especially “fear”,”lost opportunities” and “forgiveness”. I am now over 60, and still struggle with the effects of this shame.