There are few things more frustrating than chronic illness. In addition to the pain and suffering that come with the illness there is also the way that the unending nature of the symptoms grind on the system.
In this interview I talk to Annabel Fisher about her personal experience of chronic illness and how she transformed it with EFT. We also discuss the steps you can use to tap for chronic issues.
![]() Annabel Fisher |
Guest: Annabel Fisher
Contact Annabel: web @; facebook @ EFT with Annabel; Radio show @ Tap Into Your Healthy Self; twitter @EFTwithAnnabel; youtube @ Annabel’s channel
About Annabel: Annabel Fisher started her EFT Practice in 2005 on a shoestring, with no money to speak of, and still recovering from the long term effects of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). Having used all her savings to facilitate her recovery from illness, what she lacked in financial resources, she made up for in sheer determination! She’s since enabled hundreds of clients around the world struggling with chronic illnesses to transition into a living a healthy, vibrant and fully mobile life. A Certified AAMET EFT Practitioner and Trainer, and Certified Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner and Trainer, Annabel now focuses her attention on training and mentoring students to become masterful Certified EFT and Matrix Practitioners, and empowering them to create wildly successful EFT Practices. She is the host of the radio show ‘How To Create A Wildly Successful EFT Practice’, and the author of the upcoming book, ‘The Healing Game: Transforming Chronic Illness Using EFT’ (pub date Nov 2014).
OMGosh this podcast totally relates to me. I have spent most of my working life with my husband in his choice of business. The last one went into receivership about 15 years ago so I had to go out and start my own business woking 7 days a week for about 4 years whilst my husband buried his head in the sand. Obviously working so hard I got sick with Epstein Barr which turned into CFS, bed ridden for about 20 hours a day, but it meant I didn’t have to work anymore!!!! I have improved over the years but here I am 10 years later still struggling with having to sleep for 2 hours during the day. I am now loving my artistic work but would so love to have a full day without some of this tiredness.