This is one of my favorite tools of all time. I took pieces of a number of different tools and put them into one quick little tapping routine that will only take you 20 seconds.
It is perfect to calm you in a stressful moment, help you to clear your head, or to relax you as you are heading for bed.
Video Transcript
Hi, this is Gene Monterastelli, the Editor of and welcome to another Tapping Ninja video. Today, what I’d like to share with you is one of my favorite tapping techniques but it’s not the traditional tapping on a point and saying a phrase. This is a technique that I call the rake. And where it came from was I took a number of relaxation techniques that I liked and combined them. This is something that’s really easy. It only takes a few seconds to do and you can use it anytime you like. My favorite place to teach it is to teach it to students that whenever they’re feeling that test anxiety, they can take this and do it right before the test, and they will find their way to relaxation, peace, calm. So you can do it anytime you need a little stress relief.
All you do is you take one of your hands and you make your fingers into a little ring like this with the four fingers and the thumb. And you’re going to take them and you’re going to go around your belly button, you can’t see it, it’s out of the shot but I’ve just basically ringed my belly button with each of the points and what I do is I just start tapping and I I slowly work my way up until I get all the way up to the collarbone and then what I’m going to do is I’m just going to move my way back and forth across the top here, kind of like I’m raking across my chest that’s why I call it that. And after you’ve done that three or four times, just work your way back to the middle and just work down back to the belly button.
And that’s really all there is to it. When I do it, I can just feel tension release. I can feel my body calm. Sometimes I get a little bit of a shiver like that where I can feel the peace moving through the body. It’s super-simple to do. You don’t need to say a phrase. You don’t need to be thinking about anything important, anything specific, just tap, tune in to your body and enjoy. So that’s the rake. I hope you enjoy it.
As a reminder you can find lots of video instruction just like this. Super-quick little things that you can use to add to your tapping protocol by going to For Tapping Q and A, this is Gene Monterastelli, I’ll talk to you real soon. Bye-bye.
Great! my students will do it. thanks
It works immediately.
Thanks for this quick fix. Woke me up – feel more alert now.